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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from councillors Julia Judd and Patrick Coleman.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor David Cunningham substituted for Councillor Judd.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 12th of July 2023.

Additional documents:


There was a correction to be made in the list of Members present to add the ‘Chair’ and ‘Vice Chair’ titles.


The minutes were proposed by Councillor Maclean and seconded by Councillor Fowles.


RESOLVED: That the Committee APPROVE the minutes, as amended as an accurate record of the meeting held on the 12th July 2023.


Voting record – For – 6, Against 0, Abstentions 4





Andrew Maclean


David Cunningham

Daryl Corps


Dilys Neill

David Fowles


Gary Selwyn

Ian Watson


Mark Harris

Michael Vann



Ray Brassington





Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


The Chair stated that Councillor Gary Selwyn would be substituting for Councillor Patrick Coleman as Vice-Chair.


The Chair asked that any members who had any additional training needs within their remit as committee members get in touch.


Public questions

A maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for an “open forum” of public questions at committee meetings. No person may ask more than two questions (including supplementary questions) and no more than two such questions may be asked on behalf of one organisation. The maximum length of oral questions or supplementary questions by the public will be two minutes. Questions must relate to the responsibilities of the Committee but questions in this section cannot relate to applications for determination at the meeting.


The response may take the form of:

a)    A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes);

b)    Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

c)    Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

Additional documents:


There were no public questions.


Member questions

A maximum period of fifteen minutes is allowed for Member questions. Questions must be directed to the Chair and must relate to the remit of the committee but may not relate to applications for determination at the meeting.


Questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received, except that the Chair may group together similar questions.


The deadline for submitting questions is 5.00pm on the working day before the day of the meeting unless the Chair agrees that the question relates to an urgent matter, in which case the deadline is 9.30am on the day of the meeting.


A member may submit no more than two questions. At the meeting the member may ask a supplementary question arising directly from the original question or the reply. The maximum length of a supplementary question is one minute.


The response to a question or supplementary question may take the form of:

a)    A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes);

b)    Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

c)    Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

Additional documents:


There were no member questions.


23/00003/IND- Tree Preservation Order pdf icon PDF 102 KB


To consider objection and support to the making of a Tree Preservation Order in respect of a tree at Swan House, Ditch Lane, Winson, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 5ER


Case Officer

James Tyson


Ward Member

David Fowles



To confirm the creation of the Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to consider the making of a Tree Preservation Order in respect of a tree at Swan House Ditch Lane Winson Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 5ER.


The recommendation was to confirm the creation of the Tree Preservation Order (TPO).


The Tree Officer introduced the report, and outlined the background to the report. The Tree Officer stated that the applicant had objected to the TPO on the grounds of undermining the outbuilding, but that in the Officer’s view, damage was not visible.


The Tree Officer stated that the tree was an aged yew tree, which exhibited veteran features, and that its setting within the garden of a traditional large Cotswold house was in keeping with, and enhanced, the Conservation Area.


The ward member, Councillor David Fowles addressed the Committee, supporting the Officer’s recommendation.


Member Questions


Members asked if a confirmed TPO could be revisited in the case that further evidence was provided which proved that the outbuilding was undermined. The Officer confirmed that this would be possible.


Members also asked if pruning could be undertaken on a tree with a TPO. The officer stated that it would be possible and typical to such a tree.


Members asked whether the light in the main dwelling was impacted by the tree, but officers stated that this was not within the remit of the application.


The Committee asked about the state of the tree and asked for detail on what a veteran feature was. The Officer stated the tree would be considered to not be healthily existing. The Officer also explained that a veteran tree was one in which there is normal and natural decay, which provides a habitat to wildlife. The Officer also stated that yew trees were not abnormal in their spread.


Member Comments


Members stated that the tree was estimated to be 300 years old, during which it appeared to have coexisted without undermining the outbuilding.


Councillor Andrew Maclean proposed accepting the officer’s recommendation, stating that the risk to the outbuilding was believed to be minimal. Councillor Michael Vann seconded the proposal.


Resolved: To PERMIT the application


Voting record-  For- 10, Against- 0 Abstentions- 0


*Cllr Cunningham voted by hand due to an error with the voting system




Andrew Maclean



Daryl Corps



David Fowles



Ian Watson



Michael Vann



Ray Brassington



David Cunningham*



Dilys Neill



Gary Selwyn



Mark Harris






23/01490/FUL- Abbey House, Gosditch Street,Cirencester pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Replacement of window with door and erection of external steps at 1 and 7 Abbey House at Abbey House Gosditch Street Cirencester Glos GL7 2QU


Case Officer

Tracey Birch


Ward Member

Councillor Mark Harris





Additional documents:


The application was for the replacement of window with door and erection of external steps at 1 and 7 Abbey House at Abbey House Gosditch Street Cirencester Glos GL7 2QU.


The recommendation was to permit the application.


The Career Grade Planner, as the Case Officer introduced the item. The Case Officer stated that the reason for referral to the Committee was that the applicant was a relative of Councillor Patrick Coleman.


Councillor Mark Harris, the ward member, addressed the Committee and stated that there were no objections, highlighting that the Town Council had provided their support.


Member questions


Members asked why one application had been submitted for two different addresses. The Case Officer explained that the site was a complex of flats.


Member Comments


Councillor Dilys Neill proposed accepting the recommendation. 


Councillor Andrew Maclean seconded the recommendation. 


RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application


Voting record For 10, Abstentions 0, Against 0





Andrew Maclean



Daryl Corps



David Fowles



Ian Watson



Michael Vann



Ray Brassington



David Cunningham



Dilys Neill



Gary Selwyn



Mark Harris





22/00775/LBC- The Old Railway Station, Old Station Car Park, Sheep Street, Cirencester pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Essential repairs to building including render repairs, removing modern plaster, roof repairs and replacing fibre cement vertical hung tiles at The Old Railway Station Old Station Car Park Sheep Street Cirencester Glos GL7 1QW


Case Officer

Minette Matthews


Ward Member(s):

Ray Brassington





Additional documents:


The application was for essential repairs to building including render repairs, removing modern plaster, roof repairs and replacing fibre cement vertical hung tiles at The Old Railway Station, Old Station Car Park, Sheep Street, Cirencester, Glos., GL7 1QW.


The recommendation was to permit the application.


The Assistant Conservation & Design Office, as the Case Officer on the application introduced it, and stated that some repairs to the building did not require a Listed Building Consent (LBC).


The Case Officer explained that the main reason behind the application was to rebuild the 20th Century repair with more suitable replacement materials. The aim was to make the building weatherproof with materials that were more compatible with the historic fabric of the building.


The ward member, Councillor Ray Brassington, did not address the Committee.


Member Questions


Members asked if improving the energy efficiency was considered as part of the application. The Conservation Officer explained that this was explored, but could not be incorporated as the use was currently not known and stated that would be explored at a later date.


The Committee requested details on the materials of the roof. The Officer stated that it would be slate to match the existing roof material.


Members asked whether there was a risk that the building could collapse upon carrying out the works. The Officer stated that structural surveys were carried out to mitigate this risk.


Members discussed the preservation of the historic building and energy efficiency measures, at which point the Planning Business Manager explained that since the applicant was the Council, the Council had a role as the applicant, which was outside of the Committee’s remit in ensuring the Council Decision making.


It was suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive an update on the work and plans for use. The Chair noted that this was not a matter for the Planning and Licensing Committee.




Councillor Mark Harris proposed permitting the application, noting that a previous application for this site was 42 years ago, and therefore this new effort to conserve the building was very welcome. Councillor David Fowles seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application


Voting Record For 10, Against 0, Abstentions 0




Andrew Maclean



Daryl Corps



David Fowles



Ian Watson



Michael Vann



Ray Brassington



David Cunningham



Dilys Neill



Gary Selwyn



Mark Harris





Sites Inspection Briefing

Members for 6th September (if required);


Councillors Ray Brassington, Daryl Corps, Mark Harris, Andrew Maclean, Gary Selwyn, Ian Watson

Additional documents:


Councillor Harris gave his apologies for the Sites Inspections Briefing (if it was needed) due to earlier commitments on the day.


Licensing Sub-Committee

Members for Licensing Sub-Committee (2003 Licensing Act Matters) – 15th August, 4.00pm – confirmed


Councillors Ray Brassington (Chair), David Fowles, Dilys Neill


Any members on the rota who are not able to attend are asked to contact Democratic Services as soon as possible.

Additional documents:


Councillor Dilys Neill gave her apologies for the Licensing Sub-Committee. The Chair encouraged her to arrange a substitute as soon as possible.