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Agenda item

22/00775/LBC- The Old Railway Station, Old Station Car Park, Sheep Street, Cirencester


Essential repairs to building including render repairs, removing modern plaster, roof repairs and replacing fibre cement vertical hung tiles at The Old Railway Station Old Station Car Park Sheep Street Cirencester Glos GL7 1QW


Case Officer

Minette Matthews


Ward Member(s):

Ray Brassington






The application was for essential repairs to building including render repairs, removing modern plaster, roof repairs and replacing fibre cement vertical hung tiles at The Old Railway Station, Old Station Car Park, Sheep Street, Cirencester, Glos., GL7 1QW.


The recommendation was to permit the application.


The Assistant Conservation & Design Office, as the Case Officer on the application introduced it, and stated that some repairs to the building did not require a Listed Building Consent (LBC).


The Case Officer explained that the main reason behind the application was to rebuild the 20th Century repair with more suitable replacement materials. The aim was to make the building weatherproof with materials that were more compatible with the historic fabric of the building.


The ward member, Councillor Ray Brassington, did not address the Committee.


Member Questions


Members asked if improving the energy efficiency was considered as part of the application. The Conservation Officer explained that this was explored, but could not be incorporated as the use was currently not known and stated that would be explored at a later date.


The Committee requested details on the materials of the roof. The Officer stated that it would be slate to match the existing roof material.


Members asked whether there was a risk that the building could collapse upon carrying out the works. The Officer stated that structural surveys were carried out to mitigate this risk.


Members discussed the preservation of the historic building and energy efficiency measures, at which point the Planning Business Manager explained that since the applicant was the Council, the Council had a role as the applicant, which was outside of the Committee’s remit in ensuring the Council Decision making.


It was suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive an update on the work and plans for use. The Chair noted that this was not a matter for the Planning and Licensing Committee.




Councillor Mark Harris proposed permitting the application, noting that a previous application for this site was 42 years ago, and therefore this new effort to conserve the building was very welcome. Councillor David Fowles seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application


Voting Record For 10, Against 0, Abstentions 0




Andrew Maclean



Daryl Corps



David Fowles



Ian Watson



Michael Vann



Ray Brassington



David Cunningham



Dilys Neill



Gary Selwyn



Mark Harris




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