Agenda and minutes
Venue: Online meeting
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: The Chair advised that he wished to appoint Councillor Hirst as Vice-Chair for the meeting to ensure that in the event of technical failure with his technology, the meeting could continue with Councillor Hirst in the Chair.
Apologies had been received from Councillors Keeling and Layton. |
Substitute Members To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting. Minutes: Councillor Berry substituted for Councillor Keeling.
Councillor Harris substituted for Councillor Layton.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members or Officers.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 March 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 10 March 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Record of Voting - for 9, against 0, abstention 2, absent 0.
Chair's Announcements (if any) Minutes: There were no announcements from the Chair. |
Schedule of Applications PDF 64 KB To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:
Additional documents:
Minutes: 20/03198/FUL Erection of 1no. detached dwelling and associated works at Land Parcel Adjacent to 10 De Havilland Road, Upper Rissington The Case Officer reminded the Committee of the location of the site and then displayed a map of the site and aerial photograph, layout plan showing the designated Tree Preservation Orders on the site, block and floor plans, elevations, a Google virtual street view and photographs of the site from various vantage points. There were no public speakers. The Ward Member was not present as he was related to the applicant. In response to various questions from Members it was reported the applicant had followed the correct CIL process; the proposed dwelling, if approved, would be 79 square metres at ground floor level compared to10 De Havilland Road which was 88 square metres at ground floor level; the proposals were for a three storey dwelling; replacing trees with the same number of newly-planted trees was considered acceptable mitigation, but some species were likely to be changed to be ensure more suitability for the site; there was no turning circle proposed for the site, though it was considered by Officers that one vehicle could turn within the site if necessary; the site was considered to be within a built-up area; it was not expected that the Applicant would be constructing the property themselves and Condition 8 contained a requirement for an electric vehicle charging point to be installed. A Member commented that whilst he supported self-build properties, as they were generally more affordable, he was disappointed by the traditional nature of the build and advised that he would be abstaining from the vote. A Proposition, that the application be approved, was duly Seconded. Approved, as recommended. Record of voting – for 10, against 0, abstentions 1, absent 0. 21/00751/FUL Proposed two storey extension and single storey extension (renewal of 17/04737/FUL) at The Fennings, Back Ends, Chipping Campden, GL55 6AU The Case Officer reminded the Committee of the location of the site and then displayed a map of the site and aerial photograph, block, floor and roof plans, elevations and photographs of the site from various vantage points. There were no public speakers. One Ward Member was not present at the Meeting as he was the Applicant. The other Ward Member was also not present. In response to various questions from Members it was reported that no response had been received from the Town Council; the application presented the same plans as the previously approved application; the conservatory was proposed to be removed as part of the proposals; the roof of a single-storey extension was also proposed to be altered; and the application was required to be considered in line with current Local Plan policies. A Proposition, that the application be approved, was duly Seconded. Approved, as recommended. Record of voting – for 11, against 0, abstentions 0, absent 0. 20/04249/FUL Change of use to beauty salon to include body piercing and tattoos (sui generis) (part retrospective) at Room 28, ... view the full minutes text for item 114. |
Sites Inspection Briefing (Members for Wednesday 5 May 2021) Members for Wednesday 5 May 2021 (if required)
Councillors Juliet Layton, Sue Jepson, Richard Keeling, Dilys Neill and Clive Webster. Minutes: It was noted that Councillors Juliet Layton, Sue Jepson, Richard Keeling, Dilys Neill and Clive Webster would represent the Committee at the virtual Sites Inspection Briefing, if required.
Licensing Sub-Committee (Members for 19 May 2021) Members for Wednesday 19 May 2021 (if required)
Councillors Juliet Layton, Stephen Hirst, Julia Judd, Dilys Neill and Clive Webster. Minutes: It was noted that Councillors Juliet Layton, Stephen Hirst, Julia Judd, Dilys Neill and Clive Webster would represent the Committee at the Licensing Sub-Committee on 19 May 2021, if required.
It was also noted that Councillors Brassington, Coleman, Hirst, Jepson and Keeling had agreed to represent the Committee at the virtual Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on 28 April 2021.
Other Business Minutes: There was no other business.