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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Tributes following the death of the Queen and Apologies

Additional documents:


The Chair announced that the Committee meeting was taking place at a time of national mourning following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and invited Members to join him in paying tribute to the late Queen and sending condolences to the Royal Family.


The Committee stood for a minutes silence in respect and reflection for Her Majesty the Queen.


Members of the Committee were then invited to share their thoughts and feelings about the Queen.


Councillor Jepson stood to make the following statement and asked that it was included in full in the minutes of the Committee meeting.

“I am attending this meeting today as part of my Councillor’s duties, but I do not approve of the meeting taking place while the Country is in mourning for the passing of our Queen Elizabeth II. There is nothing on the agenda that could not have been postponed to another date.”

Councillor Jepson then paid tribute to the Queen, and the manner in which the Country (and the World) had been brought together in sympathy and respect for a much loved Monarch.  This sentiment was also reflected in the comments of other Members.


The Chair invited Members and Officers to introduce themselves and asked if any apologies had been received.


Apologies had been received from Councillors Stephen Hirst and Mark Harris.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no Substitute Members.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from Members.


There were no declarations of interest from Officers.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10th August 2022.

Additional documents:


Minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee held on 10 August 2022 were considered.


RESOLVE: The Committee agreed that the Minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 10 August 2022 were an accurate record.


Voting Record: For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 2, Absent 2


Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


There were no Chair’s announcements.


The Chair invited Councillor Layton to make a statement paying tribute to Deborah Smith, the former Development and Planning Enforcement Manager, who had provided over 25 year’ of service and commitment to the Council.


The Chair and Vice Chair also paid tribute to the calm, polite and professional manner in which the Development and Planning Enforcement Manager had provided advice, guidance and support to all members of the Planning and Licensing Committee.


Business and Planning Act 2020 - Extension to Pavement Licensing Regime pdf icon PDF 239 KB


To consider the draft policy document for approval following the extension of the current pavement licensing regime to 30th September 2023.



a) that the Planning and Licensing Committee considers the draft Pavement Licensing;

b) that, subject to any further amendments, approves the draft Policy; and

c) that the Planning and Licensing Committee considers the fee charged for 2022/23

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to consider the draft policy document for approval following the extension of the current pavement licensing regime to 30th September 2023.


The Licensing Team Leader presented the report and provided an overview and context to the proposed changes regarding businesses applying to extend their trading area by using outside spaces for the provision of food and drink.


The Committee noted that there were currently 16 premises licensed to use outside spaces for the provision of food and drink.


The Committee noted that a licence was not required for premises using their own land as an outside space for the provision of food and drink.


The Committee noted that the Council had introduced a maximum administration fee of £100 per licence in 2021/22.


The Committee noted that the term ‘removable’, as applied to furniture, indicated furniture that could be removed at the end of a business day and stored within a property.


The Committee noted that the term ‘in keeping’ applied to the colour and style of furniture that could be challenged and enforced if the Council considered furniture was inappropriate.


The Committee noted that all business that had been advised of the need for a licence, had acquired one.


The Committee noted that adequate Public Liability Insurance was required by all businesses applying for a licence.


The Committee welcomed the offer from the Licensing Team Leader to provide a list of current license holders.


RESOLVED: The Committee considered the draft Pavement Licensing document and agreed that subject to any further amendments, approved the draft Policy and agreed the fee charged for 2022/23.


Voting Record – For 8, Against 0, Abstentions 1, Absent 2,


Draft County CCTV Consultation Document for Licensed Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The recommendation in the Department for Transport Statutory Standards is that Local Authorities should consult on whether CCTV would have a proportionate positive impact on public safety in their district.



That the Planning and Licensing Committee approves an 8 week public consultation on the Draft County CCTV consultation document in hackney carriage and private hire vehicles as detailed in Annex A

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to enable the Committee to consider the recommendation of the Department for Transport Statutory Standards that Local Authorities should consult on whether CCTV in licenced vehicles would have a proportionate positive impact on public safety in their district.


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report and provided an overview of the recommendation to consult Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licence holders, owners, passengers and service users to determine whether mandatory in-vehicle CCTV would have a proportionate positive impact on public safety.


The Committee noted that 100 Private Hire and 60 Hackney Carriage were currently licensed.


The Committee requested additional criteria to be added to the consultation documentation to enable passengers and service users to be explicitly identified separately to drivers and licence holders. The Licensing Team Leader agreed to ensure passengers and service users would be included in the consultation documentation.


The Committee noted that consultation feedback at neighbouring Authorities had been mixed with Stroud Council receiving 69 responses, but only 8 responses being returned to Gloucester Council.


RESOLVED: That Committee agreed to an 8 week public consultation on the Draft County ‘CCTV in Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles’ recommendation as detailed in Annex A.


Voting Record – For 7, Against 2, Abstentions 0, Absent 2


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Application No.


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer/Page Number


Erection of an integral annexe, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and

underground parking area at Priory Estate Poulton Cirencester Gloucestershire


Councillor Lisa Spivey

Harrison Bowley


Two residential units within the curtilage of the main house approved under

application 18/00051/FUL, removal of approved garage outbuilding and associated

amended driveway and landscape enhancements at Land At New Covert Ewen


Councillor Tony Berry

Mike Napper


Additional documents:


20/03559/FUL - Erection of an integral annexe, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and underground parking area at Priory Estate, Poulton, Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 5JB


The Senior Planning Case Officer introduced the application to make a series of alterations to a dwelling including the erection of: an integral annex, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and underground parking area and presented locality and site maps and photographs of the proposed development. The historical context and agricultural use of the original farm house (rebuilt in the 20th century), and the series of cascading subordinate agricultural buildings was also described.


The following people addressed the Committee:

Councillor Chris Davis – Town/Parish Council

John Vale (Plan A Planning and Development Ltd) – Applicant’s Agent


The Committee noted that the Parish Council supported the application following the applicant’s offer to change the proposed dormer windows to roof lights overlooking the adjacent, publicly accessible grave yard.


The Committee noted that retaining the agricultural form of the characteristic cascading northern wing, reflecting its historic, use was of particular importance although it was recognised that these buildings had not been in agricultural use for many decades.


The Committee noted that the term ‘overly domestic’ referred to the loss of the property’s agricultural character due to (for instance) the introduction of regular or symmetrical window patterns.


The Committee noted that the excavation of land to the front of the property, the building to underground parking, the introduction of parking spaces and the levelling up of ground behind a retaining wall, may (collectively) produce a corporate, urban appearance to the front of the property.


Councillor Webster proposed and Councillor Trotter seconded that the application was REFUSED for the reasons provided by the Senior Planning Case Officer.


Voting Record – For 9, Against 0, Abstention 0, Absent 2


The Committee agreed to REFUSE the application in agreement with the recommendation of the Senior Planning Officer.


22/00688/FUL - Two residential units within the curtilage of the main house approved under application 18/00051/FUL, removal of approved garage outbuilding and associated amended driveway and landscape enhancements at Land At New Covert, Ewen, Gloucestershire.


The Major Developments and Appeals Manager introduced the report that provided an update and additional information to a previous application that had been assessed with a recommendation to PERMIT.


The Committee noted that the additional report pages referred to an additional condition of insurance of energy performance. 


The Committee noted that the applicant had requested that consideration of the application by the Committee should be deferred to the October Planning and Licensing Committee meeting. This would enable both this condition, and two ‘pre-commencement conditions’, covering external light management and a Highways condition, to be discussed and resolved.


The Committee noted that Planning Officers approval of the applicant’s approach of providing as much detail as possible up-front, to enable full consideration to be made and a smooth and timely development to progress if Members decided to approve the application.


The Committee noted that there were no Public Speakers and the applicant/agent had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Sites Inspection Briefing

Members for 5th October 2022 (if required)


Councillors Ray Brassington, Patrick Coleman, Andrew Maclean, Mark Harris, Dilys Neill

Additional documents:


Members for 5th October 2022 (if required)


Councillors Ray Brassington, Patrick Coleman, Andrew Maclean, Mark Harris, Dilys Neill.


Licensing Sub-Committee

Members for 28th September 2022 (if required)


Councillors Julia Judd, Andrew Maclean, Stephen Hirst, Clive Webster, Mark Harris

Additional documents:


Licensing Sub-Committee Members for 28th September 2022 (if required)


Councillors Julia Judd, Andrew Maclean, Stephen Hirst, Clive Webster, Mark Harris.