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Agenda item

Schedule of Applications

Application No.


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer/Page Number


Erection of an integral annexe, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and

underground parking area at Priory Estate Poulton Cirencester Gloucestershire


Councillor Lisa Spivey

Harrison Bowley


Two residential units within the curtilage of the main house approved under

application 18/00051/FUL, removal of approved garage outbuilding and associated

amended driveway and landscape enhancements at Land At New Covert Ewen


Councillor Tony Berry

Mike Napper



20/03559/FUL - Erection of an integral annexe, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and underground parking area at Priory Estate, Poulton, Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 5JB


The Senior Planning Case Officer introduced the application to make a series of alterations to a dwelling including the erection of: an integral annex, entrance hall, rear kitchen extension and underground parking area and presented locality and site maps and photographs of the proposed development. The historical context and agricultural use of the original farm house (rebuilt in the 20th century), and the series of cascading subordinate agricultural buildings was also described.


The following people addressed the Committee:

Councillor Chris Davis – Town/Parish Council

John Vale (Plan A Planning and Development Ltd) – Applicant’s Agent


The Committee noted that the Parish Council supported the application following the applicant’s offer to change the proposed dormer windows to roof lights overlooking the adjacent, publicly accessible grave yard.


The Committee noted that retaining the agricultural form of the characteristic cascading northern wing, reflecting its historic, use was of particular importance although it was recognised that these buildings had not been in agricultural use for many decades.


The Committee noted that the term ‘overly domestic’ referred to the loss of the property’s agricultural character due to (for instance) the introduction of regular or symmetrical window patterns.


The Committee noted that the excavation of land to the front of the property, the building to underground parking, the introduction of parking spaces and the levelling up of ground behind a retaining wall, may (collectively) produce a corporate, urban appearance to the front of the property.


Councillor Webster proposed and Councillor Trotter seconded that the application was REFUSED for the reasons provided by the Senior Planning Case Officer.


Voting Record – For 9, Against 0, Abstention 0, Absent 2


The Committee agreed to REFUSE the application in agreement with the recommendation of the Senior Planning Officer.


22/00688/FUL - Two residential units within the curtilage of the main house approved under application 18/00051/FUL, removal of approved garage outbuilding and associated amended driveway and landscape enhancements at Land At New Covert, Ewen, Gloucestershire.


The Major Developments and Appeals Manager introduced the report that provided an update and additional information to a previous application that had been assessed with a recommendation to PERMIT.


The Committee noted that the additional report pages referred to an additional condition of insurance of energy performance. 


The Committee noted that the applicant had requested that consideration of the application by the Committee should be deferred to the October Planning and Licensing Committee meeting. This would enable both this condition, and two ‘pre-commencement conditions’, covering external light management and a Highways condition, to be discussed and resolved.


The Committee noted that Planning Officers approval of the applicant’s approach of providing as much detail as possible up-front, to enable full consideration to be made and a smooth and timely development to progress if Members decided to approve the application.


The Committee noted that there were no Public Speakers and the applicant/agent had requested the deferment and did not wish to speak.


The Committee noted that the current recommendation was to DEFER consideration to the October Committee.


Councillor Coleman proposed and Councillor Selwyn seconded that the application was deferred to the October Planning and Licensing Committee Meeting.


*As the vote was a tie, the Chair exercised the casting vote to AGREE with the recommendation of the Planning Officer to DEFER the application.


Voting Record – *For 4, *Against 4, Abstentions 0, Absent 2


The Committee agreed to defer the application to the October Planning and Licensing Committee Meeting in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Officer

Supporting documents: