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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber - Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence. The quorum for Cabinet is 3 members.


Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillors Tony Dale and Lisa Spivey.


Apologies were received from Councillors Tony Dale and Lisa Spivey.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from Members.


There were no declarations of interest from Members.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of Cabinet on 3 October 2024.

Additional documents:


There were no amendments to the minutes.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2024 be approved as a correct record.


The purpose of this item was to consider the minutes of the last meeting of Cabinet on 3 October 2024.


There were no comments or amendments to the minutes proposed.


The resolution to accept the minutes was proposed by Councillor Joe Harris and seconded by Councillor Mike Evemy.


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2024 be approved as a correct record.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Minutes of 3 October 2024 Resolution

RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2024 be approved as a correct record.


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  • 19.

    Leader's Announcements

    To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council.

    Additional documents:


    The Leader made the following announcements:


    • Communities across the Cotswolds would be marking Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Monday, and therefore a one minute silence was held to remember those who had died in conflicts.
    • Ana Prelici as the Council’s Governance Officer would be leaving the Council to go to a promotion at West Oxfordshire District Council, and the Leader wished to thank Ana for all of their hard work at the Council.
    • There would be a Cabinet reshuffle with Councillors Tony Dale and Lisa Spivey leaving Cabinet. Councillor Dale’s road traffic accident meant that he needed to focus on his recovery, and the Leader thanked him for his role in supporting businesses across the Cotswolds. Councillor Spivey would be leaving the Cabinet to focus on her role at Gloucestershire County Council, and the Leader thanked her for what had been done in particular with flooding and sewage.



    Public Questions

    To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public should be no longer than one minute each and relate to issues under the Cabinet’s remit. At any one meeting no person may submit more than two questions and no more than two such questions may be asked on behalf of one organisation.


    The Leader will ask whether any members of the public present at the meeting wish to ask a question and will decide on the order of questioners.


    The response may take the form of:

    a)       a direct oral answer;

    b)      where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

    c)       where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

    Additional documents:


    There were no public questions.


    There were no public questions.


    Member Questions

    No Member Questions have been submitted prior to the publication of the agenda.


    A Member of the Council may ask the Leader or a Cabinet Member a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Cotswold District. A maximum period of fifteen minutes shall be allowed at any such meeting for Member questions.


    A Member may only ask a question if:

    a)       the question has been delivered in writing or by electronic mail to the Chief Executive no later than 5.00 p.m. on the working day before the day of the meeting; or

    b)      the question relates to an urgent matter, they have the consent of the Leader to whom the question is to be put and the content of the question is given to the Chief Executive by 9.30 a.m. on the day of the meeting.


    An answer may take the form of:

    a)       a direct oral answer;

    b)      where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or

    c)       where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner.

    Additional documents:


    There were no Member questions.


    There were no Member questions.


    Issue(s) Arising from Overview and Scrutiny and/or Audit and Governance

    To receive any recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or to consider any matters raised by the Audit and Governance Committee.

    Additional documents:


    There were no issues arising from the Overview and Scrutiny or Audit and Governance Committees.


    There were no issues arising from the Overview and Scrutiny or Audit and Governance Committees.


    Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/2026 pdf icon PDF 273 KB


    To consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.



    That Cabinet recommends to Full Council:

    1. The increase to income bands as detailed within paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and Annex A of this report from 1 April 2025.
    2. That any surplus in the Hardship Fund is transferred over to 2025/2026 for reasons detailed in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of this report.


    Additional documents:


    The purpose of the item was to consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.


    The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the item.


    The recommendations were proposed by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and seconded by the Leader.


    RESOLVED: That Cabinet RECOMMENDED to Full Council to:

    1.    AGREE the increase to income bands as detailed within paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and Annex A of this report from 1 April 2025.

    2.    AGREE that any surplus in the Hardship Fund to be transferred over to 2025/2026 for reasons detailed in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of the report.


    The purpose of the item was to consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.


    The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Mike Evemy, introduced the item to Cabinet and made the following points:


    • The report provided the annual review of the Council Tax support scheme alongside the proposals for the scheme for 2025/26 that would be approved by Full Council.
    • The key elements would be the focus on the cost of living and the rise in incomes which would determine the support for the poorest
    • Table 3.3 highlighted the income bands the Council uses alongside personal circumstances which would determine the support provided and determine the final amount of Council Tax owed by a resident.
    • The Council’s scheme was generous to support those on the lowest incomes who were not in a position to pay the full amount. For Band 1 incomes, that may result in entitlement to 100% relief for Council Tax Support, and this then tapers downwards for higher incomes.
    • Para 4.1 highlighted the scale of the Council Tax Support Scheme with an approximate spend of £4.9 million shared across the precepting authorities.
    • The proposals would see a 4% increase to the bands from the previous year.
    • The Hardship Fund would be continued to support residents outside of the support scheme under exceptional circumstances. £33,000 of the fund was remaining which was recommended to be carried over in to 2025/26.


    There was a question regarding how generous the Council is compared to other local authorities. It was noted that in comparison with other local authorities, the scheme was extremely generous given that not all councils provide 100% relief.


    It was asked whether there was any penalty for residents who claim for Council Tax Support but are then deemed not eligible. The Business Manager for Environmental, Welfare and Revenue Service confirmed there was no penalty for claiming Council Tax support if they were deemed not eligible, and any change of income in the future may mean they are not eligible.


    It was noted that some residents may not be able to access online services and Members asked whether there was any support for them. The Business Manager confirmed there was a Client Support Officer to help those specific residents at the office or at their home.


    Councillor Joe Harris formally seconded and made the following points:


    • The Council was generous with its support scheme, and the refresh reaffirmed its commitment to the cost of living issues.
    • There was a determination to provide support within the resources of the Council.
    • Residents were encouraged to put in an application and the scheme was means tested.



    Councillor Evemy was then invited to sum up:


    • It was important to note that the bands increase was allowing for pay rises to protect the real terms value of the support given.
    • Partners in Citizens Advice Bureau had provided advice on the setting of the scheme.


    The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Evemy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 Resolution

    RESOLVED: That Cabinet AGREED RECOMMEND to Full Council:

    1.    The increase to income bands as detailed within paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and Annex A of this report from 1 April 2025.

    2.    That any surplus in the Hardship Fund to be transferred over to 2025/2026 for reasons detailed in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of the report.

  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 24.

    Update on the Council’s involvement in and support for Cost of Living related initiatives pdf icon PDF 434 KB


    To update Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.



    That Cabinet resolves to:

    1. Note the Council’s work to support communities with the cost of living.

    2.    Request that the Cost of Living Steering Group continues to consider further opportunities to support communities with the cost of living.

    Additional documents:


    The purpose of the item was to update the Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.


    The Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion introduced the item.


    The recommendations were proposed by the Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion and seconded by the Leader.


    RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

    1.    NOTED the Council’s work to support communities with the cost of living.

    2.    REQUESTED that the Cost of Living Steering Group continues to consider further opportunities to support communities with the cost of living.


    The purpose of the item was to update the Cabinet on the Council’s work to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.


    The Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion introduced the item and made the following points:


    • Thanks were given to officers and to partners such as Citizens Advice Bureau for their report on the initiatives and for their work.
    • The Council was working on long-term solutions as well as short-term relief with an example highlighted of the Cirencester Food Pantry that brings communities together.
    • The Cotswold Food Network was noted as example of bringing together stakeholders to provide all residents with nutritious locally sourced food.
    • 30 community groups had been uplifted by the Council.
    • The Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) programme was highlighted as an example to use data to provide targeted support before income issues become a crisis.
    • The Household Support Fund provided energy rebates for residents during a difficult time for energy prices.
    • The Holiday Activity Food (HAF) Programme provides wellbeing support for children within the District.
    • The recent loss of winter fuel payments meant that pensioners would need to be encouraged to apply for pension credit, and the Council was actively supporting these efforts.


    Cabinet noted the work of all officers in the Council for supporting these various initiatives by the Council.


    It was highlighted that 30,000-40,000 people in the District on Winter Fuel Allowance would be supported through existing schemes as much as possible.


    Clarification was provided about Cotswold Food Network as a network run by Council Officers for different partners to discuss ideas for communities. It was also clarified that The Food Pantry was separate to Foodbanks as the pantry was available to all but both did positive work in communities.


    There was a question regarding hard copies of material for the HAF programme for libraries and schools to distribute. It was noted as a good idea to help promoting the programme.


    It was noted that the work of officers in regard to retrofit within homes will help support those struggling with the cost of bills alongside benefitting the environment.


    It was noted that the current funding from the UK Government for the HAF programme was coming to an end, and arrangements were being put in place to mitigate against this.


    The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Claire Bloomer and seconded by Councillor Joe Harris


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Update on the Council’s involvement in and support for Cost of Living related initiatives Resolution

    RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

    1.    NOTED the Council’s work to support communities with the cost of living.

    2.    REQUESTED that the Cost of Living Steering Group continues to consider further opportunities to support communities with the cost of living.


  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 25.

    Draft Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 493 KB


    This report sets out the Budget Strategy to support the preparation of the 2025/26 revenue and capital budgets and presents an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy forecast.



    That Cabinet resolves to:

    1. Approves the 2025/26 Budget Strategy as outlined in the report.

    2.    Approves the revised Capital Programme including the additional expenditure on Disabled Facilities funded by Disabled Facilities Grant, as set out in Annex B.


    Additional documents:


    This report sets out the Budget Strategy to support the preparation of the

    2025/26 revenue and capital budgets and presents an updated Medium

    Term Financial Strategy forecast.


    The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the item.


    The recommendations were proposed by the Deputy Leader and seconded by the Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Parking.


    RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

    1.    APPROVED the 2025/26 Budget Strategy as outlined in the report.

    2.    APPROVED the revised Capital Programme including the additional expenditure on Disabled Facilities funded by Disabled Facilities Grant, as set out in Annex B.


    The purpose of the item was to set out the Budget Strategy to support the preparation of the 2025/26 revenue and capital budgets and present an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) forecast.


    The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Mike Evemy, introduced the report and made the following points:


    • This was the first report to be received on the budget, with the final budget being received in the New Year before February’s Full Council
    • The Chief Finance Officer’s work with the Deputy Leader had been ongoing ahead of the final budget document.
    • The budget had not fundamentally changed and there was still a projected budget gap due to the reduction in government funding.
    • Table ES1 showed the pressures on the budget which included the cost of auditors, Crowdfund Cotswold fees and Rental income loss from the Bourton VIC.
    • A revised budget gap of £6.5 million for 2027/28 was still present but inflation was falling and interest rates were still remaining higher than normal. The benefit from the cash balances would therefore continue.
    • The Pay Award Settlement would have an impact which would be reported in 2025, but there was likely to be a positive variance on the MTFS within the Financial Resilience Reserve.
    • Costs of the Phase 1 Publica Review were noted within the report but there were currently no cost estimates provided for Phase 2 due to it being early in the process. However, it was highlighted that transformation of services would be required to provide additional savings.
    • It was highlighted that a change to the Business Rates Pool to remove Cheltenham would generate additional revenue.
    • Council tax was predicted to see an increase of £5 for Band D properties and the council tax base would increase by 1%. The Second Homes Premium agreed in March 2024 would not be factored into this and the newly published guidance was being examined for how this would impact the decision.
    • Core Grant funding was predicted to remain unchanged but the local government settlement would be confirmed before Christmas.
    • The significant increase in the capital costs in 2026/27 to replace waste vehicles was highlighted as older vehicles would be decommissioned for lower emission vehicles.
    • The increased cost of National Insurance contributions would be supported by the Government.
    • There would be a lower business rates relief rate of 40%.


    There was a question around the future plans of the Fairer Funding Review from the previous Government. The Deputy Leader noted that a one year settlement would be received but the 2025 Spending Review would then provide a three year settlement. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed this and added that a White Paper on devolution in England would be forthcoming soon.


    Cabinet thanked the Deputy Leader and the Deputy Chief Executive for their work in managing the Council’s finances.


    It was highlighted the Local Government sector was seeing real terms reductions in funding which was harmful for all authorities.


    It was noted that the number of S.114 notices being issued  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Draft Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy Resolution

    RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

    1.    APPROVED the 2025/26 Budget Strategy as outlined in the report.

    2.    APPROVED the revised Capital Programme including the additional expenditure on Disabled Facilities funded by Disabled Facilities Grant, as set out in Annex B.


  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 26.

    Schedule of Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and/or Individual Cabinet Members pdf icon PDF 517 KB

    To note the decisions taken by the Leader and/or Individual Cabinet Members.


    This will follow as an agenda supplement on 7 November 2024.

    Additional documents:


    The purpose of the report was to note the decisions taken by the Leader and/or

    Individual Cabinet Members.


    RESOLVED: That Cabinet NOTED the decisions taken


    The purpose of the report was to note the decisions taken by the Leader and/or

    Individual Cabinet Members.


    The Deputy Leader commented that the two decisions taken on the Bourton-on-the Water tourism levy was a positive story. The decisions were help to provide funding for projects within Bourton-on-the-Water and to increase the levy to £0.60.


    RESOLVED: That Cabinet NOTED the decisions taken