Agenda item
Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/2026
To consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.
That Cabinet recommends to Full Council:
- The increase to income bands as detailed within paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and Annex A of this report from 1 April 2025.
- That any surplus in the Hardship Fund is transferred over to 2025/2026 for reasons detailed in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of this report.
The purpose of the item was to consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the item.
The recommendations were proposed by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and seconded by the Leader.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet RECOMMENDED to Full Council to:
1. AGREE the increase to income bands as detailed within paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and Annex A of this report from 1 April 2025.
2. AGREE that any surplus in the Hardship Fund to be transferred over to 2025/2026 for reasons detailed in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7 of the report.
The purpose of the item was to consider and recommend to Full Council the revised Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2025/2026.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Mike Evemy, introduced the item to Cabinet and made the following points:
- The report provided the annual review of the Council Tax support scheme alongside the proposals for the scheme for 2025/26 that would be approved by Full Council.
- The key elements would be the focus on the cost of living and the rise in incomes which would determine the support for the poorest
- Table 3.3 highlighted the income bands the Council uses alongside personal circumstances which would determine the support provided and determine the final amount of Council Tax owed by a resident.
- The Council’s scheme was generous to support those on the lowest incomes who were not in a position to pay the full amount. For Band 1 incomes, that may result in entitlement to 100% relief for Council Tax Support, and this then tapers downwards for higher incomes.
- Para 4.1 highlighted the scale of the Council Tax Support Scheme with an approximate spend of £4.9 million shared across the precepting authorities.
- The proposals would see a 4% increase to the bands from the previous year.
- The Hardship Fund would be continued to support residents outside of the support scheme under exceptional circumstances. £33,000 of the fund was remaining which was recommended to be carried over in to 2025/26.
There was a question regarding how generous the Council is compared to other local authorities. It was noted that in comparison with other local authorities, the scheme was extremely generous given that not all councils provide 100% relief.
It was asked whether there was any penalty for residents who claim for Council Tax Support but are then deemed not eligible. The Business Manager for Environmental, Welfare and Revenue Service confirmed there was no penalty for claiming Council Tax support if they were deemed not eligible, and any change of income in the future may mean they are not eligible.
It was noted that some residents may not be able to access online services and Members asked whether there was any support for them. The Business Manager confirmed there was a Client Support Officer to help those specific residents at the office or at their home.
Councillor Joe Harris formally seconded and made the following points:
- The Council was generous with its support scheme, and the refresh reaffirmed its commitment to the cost of living issues.
- There was a determination to provide support within the resources of the Council.
- Residents were encouraged to put in an application and the scheme was means tested.
Councillor Evemy was then invited to sum up:
- It was important to note that the bands increase was allowing for pay rises to protect the real terms value of the support given.
- Partners in Citizens Advice Bureau had provided advice on the setting of the scheme.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Evemy and seconded by the Councillor Joe Harris.
Supporting documents:
CDC Council Tax Support Scheme 2025_2026 report, item 23.
PDF 273 KB
ANNEX A CDC CTS 2025_26, item 23.
PDF 256 KB
Annex B EIA for CDC CTS 2025, item 23.
PDF 550 KB