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Register of interests

Mike McKeown

I, Mike McKeown a Member of the Cotswold District Council give notice that I have the following financial interests

(IMPORTANT: Please (i) read the accompanying notes before completing each section of the form; (ii) remember that the interests to be notified include those of your spouse/partner as detailed on page 1 of the notes); and (iii) ensure that you enter “None” where or if applicable)

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
I work for Verimatrix, a Cybersecurity company, who are based outside of the district Annie works for the Medical Research Council, who are based outside of the district
2. Sponsorship
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
3. Contracts
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
4. Land and property
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Our home address Our home address
5. Licenses
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
6. Corporate tenancies
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
7. Securities
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
8. Other registerable interests
Member or co-opted member
I am one of the founders and one of seven directors of Thames Head Energy (, company number 14520406) which is a community energy organisation - a not for profit social enterprise. Currently setup as Ltd Company and will be converted to a Community Benefits Society (CBS) once we start raising significant money to build a community solar farm. I take no money from this and the only current assets are the remaining money from the Crowfund, which stands at £15,000.