Voting record
Cabinet, Thursday, 6th February, 2025 6.00 pm
Item: Review of Parking Charges and Season Tickets
RESOLVED that Cabinet 1. APPROVED the freezing of car-park charges for short stays of 1/2hour or 1 hour at all the Council's Car Parks; 2. APPROVED the car-park charges for stays of 2 hours or more being increased by 2.7% (rounded to 10p), to reflect CPI inflation between October 2023 and October 2024; 3. NOTED the proposed charges for Rissington Road car-park include the tourism levy increases from 50p to 60p agreed November 2024; 4. APPROVED increasing the fee for season ticket holders as per annex D; 5. approve the updating of the Parking Order to reflect agreed changes:
Resolution status:Carried
Vote | Councillors | Count |
For | Bloomer, Evemy, Harris, Hodgkinson and Layton | 5 |
Against | None | 0 |
Abstain | None | 0 |
Conflict Of Interests | None | 0 |