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Voting record

 Council, Wednesday, 31st July, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: Appointment and Remuneration of Independent Persons

Appointment and Remuneration of Independent Persons:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council

1.     AGREED to appoint Robert Cawley and Melvin Kenyon and re-appoint Michael Paget-Wilkes and Phyllida Pyper as Independent Members, effective from 1.08.2024. All appointments to be a maximum of four years i.e. to 31.07.2028;

2.     APPROVED that the Independent Persons are paid an annual allowance of £1000 per annum on a monthly basis, plus a mileage allowance equivalent to the rate paid to elected Members;

3.     AUTHORISED the Director of Governance & Development (Monitoring Officer) to commence a recruitment campaign prior to the expiration of current appointments and to enable reports to be presented on future appointments.


ForBlomefield, Bloomer, Brassington, Coleman, Corps, Cunningham, Evemy, Fowles, Harris, Harris, Hodgkinson, Hughes, Jenkinson, Judd, Layton, Maclean, Mansilla, McKeown, Neill, Robbins, Gary Selwyn, Slater, Spivey, Stowe, Theyer, Turner, Vann, Wareing, Watson and Wilkins30
Conflict Of InterestsNone0