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Voting record

 Council, Wednesday, 31st July, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: Appointment of a Temporary Parish Council Member to Upper Rissington Parish Council

Appointment of Temporary Town or Parish Council Members:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council

  1. AGREED to make an order under Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 (‘the Act’) appointing Councillor Andrew Maclean as a temporary member of Upper Rissington Parish Council enabling Upper Rissington Parish Council to become quorate;
  2. NOTED that the appointment shall be effective until Upper Rissington Parish Council is quorate (i.e. it has four members of the Council in place, excepting the temporary appointee);
  3. APPROVED the draft procedure at Annex A, delegating authority to the Monitoring Officer to make orders and make temporary appointments to Town/Parish Councils as required, under the powers in Section 91 of the Act.


ForBlomefield, Bloomer, Brassington, Coleman, Corps, Cunningham, Evemy, Fowles, Harris, Harris, Hodgkinson, Hughes, Jenkinson, Judd, Layton, Mansilla, McKeown, Neill, Robbins, Gary Selwyn, Slater, Spivey, Stowe, Theyer, Turner, Vann, Wareing, Watson and Wilkins29
Conflict Of InterestsNone0