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Voting record

 Council, Wednesday, 31st July, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council meeting on 20 March 2024:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That subject to the amendments noted, the Full Council minutes on 20 March 2024 be APPROVED as a correct record.

ForBlomefield, Brassington, Coleman, Corps, Evemy, Fowles, Harris, Harris, Hodgkinson, Jenkinson, Judd, Layton, Maclean, McKeown, Neill, Robbins, Gary Selwyn, Slater, Spivey, Stowe, Theyer, Turner, Vann, Wareing, Watson and Wilkins26
AbstainBloomer, Cunningham, Hughes and Mansilla4
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

Minutes of the Annual Council meeting on 15 May 2024:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Annual Council meeting on 15 May 2024 be approved as a correct record.

ForBlomefield, Bloomer, Brassington, Coleman, Corps, Evemy, Harris, Harris, Hodgkinson, Jenkinson, Judd, Layton, Maclean, McKeown, Neill, Robbins, Gary Selwyn, Slater, Spivey, Stowe, Theyer, Turner, Vann, Wareing, Watson and Wilkins26
AbstainCunningham, Fowles, Hughes and Mansilla4
Conflict Of InterestsNone0