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Voting record

 Council, Wednesday, 31st July, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: Publica Review - Detailed report

Publica Review Detailed Transition Plan:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council:

1. APPROVED the implementation of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition

based on the Detailed Transition Plan and the phasing for the


2. DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of

the Council, the decision to deal with any final detail matters arising

from the Detailed Transition Plan.

3. DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director of Governance and

Development (Monitoring Officer), in liaison with the Leader, to

update the constitution by making any consequential changes

required as a result of Phase 1 of the Publica Transition.

4. AGREED TO carry out a budget re-basing for the 2026/7 financial year so that

the funding provided to Publica is proportionate to the services


5. NOTED that following the decision on Phase 1, preparatory work for Phase 2 will commence and will be the subject of a separate report

6. NOTED the following as included in the Detailed Transition Plan;

Section 2: Transition Planning:

· Note the Design-Led principles

· Note the Key Goals for Transition

Section 7: Modelling Assumptions and Outputs:

· Note the cost modelling for Phase 1.

Section 9: Post-Transition Support:

· Note the need for post-transition support.

7. NOTED the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and therefore asks officers to work with members to clarify and define what success for the Council and continuing Publica will look like and the values that will underpin this success in order to improve efficiency and enhance services for residents, businesses and community organisations in the district.


ForBloomer, Brassington, Coleman, Evemy, Harris, Harris, Hodgkinson, Hughes, Jenkinson, Layton, Maclean, Mansilla, McKeown, Neill, Robbins, Gary Selwyn, Spivey, Turner, Vann, Wareing and Watson21
AgainstCorps, Cunningham, Fowles, Judd, Slater, Stowe, Theyer and Wilkins8
Conflict Of InterestsNone0