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Voting record

 Cabinet, Thursday, 25th July, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: 2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report

2023-24 Final Revenue and Capital Outturn Report:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Cabinet


1. NOTED the outturn financial position set out in this report;


2. APPROVED the carry forward of unspent capital budget included in Annex A and paragraph 6.21 of £1.513m into the 2024/25 Capital Programme;


3. APPROVED the transfers to and from reserves, as set out in Paragraphs 4.28 to 4.30


and Annex C;


4. NOTED the changes to provisions as set out in paragraphs 4.33 and 4.34;


5. APPROVED the closing balance on the Financial Resilience Reserve and the


commitment to fund the Council’s share of the estimated redundancy costs


associated with Phase 1 of the transfer of services from Publica to the Council


(up to £0.300m).

ForBloomer, Harris, Hodgkinson, Layton, McKeown and Spivey6
Conflict Of InterestsNone0