Voting record
Cabinet, Thursday, 6th February, 2025 6.00 pm
Item: Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy
RESOLVED: that the Cabinet APPROVED for recommendation to Council: 1. The Medium-Term Financial Strategy; 2. The Budget Pressures and Savings for inclusion in the budget; 3. The Council Tax Requirement of £7,065,418 for this Council ; 4. The Council Tax level for Cotswold District Council purposes of £158.93 for a Band D property in 2025- 2026; 5. The Capital Programme; 6. The Annual Capital Strategy 2025- 2026 ; 7. The Annual Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Management Investment Strategy 2025-2026; 8. The Strategy for the Flexible use of Capital Receipts; 9. The Balances and Reserves forecast for 2025-2026 to 2028-2029; and 10. NOTED the renewal of the CIVICA OpenRevenues 3-year software contract from 01 June 2025 ; 11. DELEGATED to the Council’s Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Deputy Leader to agree changes to the General Fund Summary arising from the Local Government Finance Settlement and the Business Rates Retention Scheme estim:
Resolution status:Carried
Vote | Councillors | Count |
For | Bloomer, Evemy, Harris, Hodgkinson and Layton | 5 |
Against | None | 0 |
Abstain | None | 0 |
Conflict Of Interests | None | 0 |