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Voting record

 Cabinet, Thursday, 6th February, 2025 6.00 pm

Item: UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund update February 2025

RESOLVED: that Cabinet 1. NOTED the progress of the delivery of UKSPF and REPF projects, 2. NOTED the 2025/2026 UKSPF funding award of £327,416, 3. AGREED to allocate up to £140,000 for 2025/26 to Cirencester Growth Hub and up to £50,000 to a local employment and skills project, $ DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Environment, to allocate the remaining funding, having regard to the recommendations of the UKSPF Assessment Panel.:

Resolution status:Carried

ForBloomer, Evemy, Harris, Hodgkinson and Layton5
Conflict Of InterestsNone0