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Voting record

 Planning and Licensing Committee, Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 2.00 pm

Item: Minutes


Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That the Planning and Licensing Committee APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May.


Patrick Coleman For

Item: Appointments to Licensing Sub-Committees

Appointments to Licensing Sub-Committees:

Resolution status:Carried

That the Planning and Licensing Committee:

1. APPOINT five members of the Committee to the Licensing Sub-Committee (Taxi, Private Hire and Street Trading) in accordance

with political proportionality and the wishes of political groups (3

Liberal Democrat, 2 Conservative);

2. NOTE that Licensing Sub-Committee membership will comprise

the Chair or Vice Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committee

and two other members of the Planning and Licensing Committee

drawn on an alphabetical rota basis from the remaining members

of the Planning and Licensing Committee (subject to their

availability and completion of licensing training prior to

participation in a Licensing Sub Committee (Licensing Act 2003)


Patrick Coleman For

Item: Business And Planning Act 2020 - Update To Pavement Licensing Regime

Business And Planning Act 2020 - Update To Pavement Licensing Regime:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That the Planning and Licensing Committee recommend that Council:

1.  APPROVE the draft policy; subject to any further amendments; and

2.  APPROVE the new fees as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report.

Patrick Coleman For

Item: 23/03756/FUL- Milverton Old Rectory Gardens Longborough Moreton-In-Marsh Gloucestershire GL56 0QF

23/03756/FUL- Milverton Old Rectory Gardens Longborough Moreton-In-Marsh Gloucestershire GL56 0QF:

Resolution status:Carried

To PERMIT the application.

Patrick Coleman For

 Annual Council, Council, Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.00 pm

Item: Appointment of Committees

Appointment of Committees:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council


1.    DETERMINED that, in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (“the Act”), the Council shall continue to apply the political balance provisions under the Act to committees as shown in Annex A;


2.    APPOINTED Councillors to serve on the Council’s Committees and working groups as set out in Annex B for a term of office expiring at the next Annual Meeting of the Council;


3.    APPOINTED Chairs and Vice-Chairs for the Council’s Committees and working groups as shown in Annex B;


4.    NOTED the arrangements for substitutions set out in part 4 of the report;


5.    AGREED to confirm the changes to the terms of reference to include substitute members for the Constitution Working Group;


6.    AGREED the draft terms of reference for the Publica Review Working Group set out in Annex B.

Patrick Coleman For

Item: Appointment of Outside Bodies

Appointment of Outside Bodies - Conservative Group Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

RESOLVED: That Council appoint Councillor Daryl Corps to the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee.

Patrick Coleman Against

Appointment of Outside Bodies - Original Resolution:

Resolution status:Carried


RESOLVED: That Council


1.    NOTED the appointments to outside bodies by the Leader of the Council in respect of executive functions, as set out in Annex A Table 1;


2.    AGREED to confirm the appointments to the Gloucestershire County Council Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee and the Gloucestershire County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in Annex A Table 2.

Patrick Coleman For

Item: On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) Grant Offer

On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) Grant Offer:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council


1.    Acknowledge the successful grant application of £191,600;


2.    APPROVED the On-Street capital scheme of £383,200 for inclusion in the Council’s capital programme funded by £191,600 of external grant funding and CDC matched funding of £191,600.

Patrick Coleman For

Item: Next meeting

Change of meeting time:

Resolution status:Carried

RESOLVED: That Full Council amend the 25 September 2024 meeting time to start at 2pm.

Patrick Coleman For