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Issue details

Local Development Scheme Update

To approve an update to the Council's Local Development Scheme, which takes consideration of recent changes to national planning policies. The Local Development Scheme provides the timetable for when the Local Plan will be delivered.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/02/2025

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The Council’s Constitution at Part D8 includes the following provision for matters of urgency:
The Council’s Chief Executive has delegated authority to take any action they consider necessary in the interests of the Council in cases of urgency. They must only act after consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Chair of the Council or the appropriate
Committee and the relevant Ward Member(s), if any. Any action taken in this way shall be reported to the first available meeting of the Council, Cabinet or relevant Committee, as appropriate.

The Local Development Scheme was originally scheduled for discussion at the Cabinet meeting on 6 March 2025, meeting subsequently deffered to 10 March. The MHCLG deadline for submitting an updated Local Development Scheme is 6 March 2025, which did not allow for the necessary decision-making processes to be completed., therefore, in consultation with lead members, the Chief Executive used Urgency Powers to consider the report.

Decision due: Before 28 Feb 2025 by Chief Executive Officer

Lead member: Leader of the Council - Cllr Joe Harris

Lead director: Chief Executive Officer

Department: Communities

Contact: Matthew Britton, Interim Forward Planning Lead Email: [email protected].


Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council, Director of Governance and Development (Monitoring Officer), Business Manager for Democratic Services, Opposition Group Leaders.
