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Issue - decisions

Review of Parking Charges and Season Tickets

06/02/2025 - Review of Parking Charges and Season Tickets

The purpose of the report was to detail proposed changes to the day tariffs and season ticket fees in the district car parks to take effect from 1st April 2025.


The Cabinet Member for Health, Culture, and Visitor Experience introduced the item.


The recommendations were proposed by the Cabinet Member for Health, Culture, and Visitor Experience, Councillor Hodgkinson and seconded by Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation, Councillor Evemy.


RESOLVED that Cabinet

1.     Approved the freezing of car park charges for short stays of ½ hour or 1 hour at all the Council’s Car Parks;

2.     Approved the car park charges for stays of 2 hours or more being increased by 2.7% (rounded to 10p), to reflect CPI inflation between October 2023 and October 2024 as per Annex B;

3.     Noted the proposed charges for Rissington Road Car Park include the tourism levy increases from 50p to 60p agreed November 2024;

4.     Approved increasing the fee for season tickets as per Annex D, reflecting a higher than inflationary increase to reflect the high level of subsidy offered for season tickets;

5.     Approved the updating of the Parking Order to reflect agreed changes.


Voting Record 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention