Issue - decisions
Financial Performance Report 2024-25 Quarter Two
05/12/2024 - Financial Performance Report 2024-25 Quarter Two
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation, Councillor Evemy introduced the report.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Evemy and Councillor Joe Harris seconded them.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1. NOTED the financial position set out in this report.
2. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.3: Continue to review in-year opportunities with Publica and Ubico to mitigate the forecast financial position.
3. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.5: Implement an Authority to Fill process with authorisation for any recruitment activity.
4. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.6: Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer to provide guidance to all service leads on criteria under which external agency support can be commissioned (subject to business case assessment).
5. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.7: accelerate development of refreshed Savings & Transformation plan to ensure adequate cost reductions are identified, scoped, and planned over the MTFS period.
6. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.8: review of fees and charges as part of the 2025/26 budget setting process from a cost recovery position.
7. APPROVED the recommendation in paragraph 9.9: Publica Review Phase 2 – the design-led principle Consideration of cost must ensure that the additional cost of bring services back to the Council are quantified with mitigating actions taken to reduce the potential impact on the MTFS.
8. APPROVED the revised Capital Programme to include £0.208m of expenditure in relation to Cirencester Leisure Centre decarbonisation work including the installation of solar PV and triple glazing funded through the Government’s Swimming Pool Support Fund.
Voting Record
5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention