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Issue - decisions

Q1 Performance Report

24/10/2023 - Q1 Performance Report

The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance.


The Chief Executive introduced the report.


Members discussed the report and raised the following points;


·         Spending money on utilising consultants for developing an asset management strategy. Officers and the Cabinet Member stated that due to the specialised skills required, this expertise was not available ‘in–house’. This recommendation to develop the strategy was made by the previous Interim Chief Finance Officer and was intended to inform the Council’s response to the financial challenges it faced.

·         Only 11 affordable homes had been delivered, which was below the target. The Chief Executive stated that work in this area had focussed on creating a dialogue with social rent providers, and ensuring that reporting is accurate, and that by Q4 the target would be closer to being met.

·         Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging points in the Rissingtons car park. The Assistant Director for Property and Regeneration stated that the Council was close to receiving an installation date from the contractor.

·         The report reflected that several climate related targets were not on track, and members asked what the reason for this was. The Chief Executive stated that there were individual factors outside the Council’s control related to several of the projects in this area, such as the aforementioned delays with EV charging points, and having to re-evaluate the approach to the Solar Panel installation, but interest was high.

·         Members would like references to a flood officer to also include drought, as this was also a related environmental challenge. The Chief Executive confirmed that work was being undertaken to do this.

·         References had been made to Clean and Green, which had been temporarily funded, the Chief Executive and Cabinet Member confirmed this and welcomed that one of the Officers was now part of the broader Environmental Health Team.

·         Ensuring meaningful as well as accurate reporting e.g. for missed bin collections.

·         Bromford Housing have appointed a new Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) provider. The overall viability of the scheme in Down Ampney was not expected to be impacted.


Members also asked about the overgrowth in the Chesterton Cemetery. The Assistant Director for Property and Regeneration stated that work had begun to remedy this, and would provide a more detailed update to members outside of the meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:

1) NOTED the report contents.


Voting record- 9 for, 0 against, 0 abstention