Agenda item
23/01513/FUL - Land North of Oddington Road, Stow-on-the-Wold
Exception site for 37 affordable homes at Land North of Oddington Road Stow-on-the-Wold Gloucestershire.
Case Officer
Martin Perks
Ward Member
Councillor Dilys Neill
Permit subject to completion of a S106 Legal Agreement covering provision of affordable housing and financial contribution to a secondary education, libraries, school transport and bus stop improvements.
The proposal was for the exception site for 37 affordable homes at Land North of Oddington Road Stow-on-the-Wold Gloucestershire.
The Case Officer introduced the report, explaining that since the publication of the report, the breakdown of homes had changed, to 25 social rent and 12 shared ownership properties. The shared ownership properties would be marketed for a period of three months, before reverting to social rent if they were not purchased.
The Ward Member, Councillor Dilys Neill, addressed the Committee. Councillor Neill referenced the application’s benefits, explaining that there was a local need for affordable housing in the area. She also explained that there was a decline of children numbers in the area threatening the viability of the primary school. Councillor Neill explained that the homes would be in walking distance to the primary school and accessible to the secondary school by bus.
Member questions
Before proceeding to Member questions, the Chair stated that the application had been approved, and that the application being considered was for the section 106 legal agreement.
The Case Officer confirmed that the balance of homes did not affect their recommendation.
Members asked how the three-month marketing period for the shared ownership properties would work. The Case Officer stated that the three-month period would likely be the length of time open for offers to be made. Members questioned whether potential buyers would be deterred by a marketing period that was too short. The Case Officer stated that the specifics could be negotiated between the Council’s legal team and the developer and could include measures such requiring only an expression of interest at that stage. The Case Officer stated that a longer marketing period could have further indirect implications but that it was a possibility the Council’s legal team could explore.
The Case Officer also confirmed that all the rental properties would be social rent. Members stated this was welcome, and that there was a need for more socially rented properties in the district.
Member Comments
Councillor Gary Selwyn proposed permitting the scheme, stating that it would benefit the local area.
Councillor David Fowles seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: To permit, subject to completion of a S106 legal agreement covering provision of affordable housing and financial contribution to a secondary education, libraries, school transport and bus stop improvements.
Supporting documents:
23.01513.FUL - Case Officer Report, item 58.
PDF 308 KB
1 - 23.01513.FUL - Approved Affordable Plan, item 58.
2 - 23.01513.FUL - Revised Mix Affordable Plan, item 58.
3 - 23.01513.FUL - Site Location Plan, item 58.
PDF 512 KB
4 - 23.01513.FUL - Site Layout, item 58.
PDF 115 KB
5 - 23.01513.FUL - Aerial View Looking North, item 58.
PDF 138 KB
6 - 23.01513.FUL - Type A Housetype Floorplans & Elevations, item 58.
7 - 23.01513.FUL - Type B Housetype Foorplans & Elevations, item 58.
8 - 23.01513.FUL - Type C Housetype Floorplans & Elevations, item 58.
9 - 23.01513.FUL - Type D Detached Housetype Floorplans & Elevations, item 58.
10 - 23.01513.FUL - Energy Strategy Plan, item 58.
PDF 124 KB
11 - 23.01513.FUL - Indicative Footway Design, item 58.