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Agenda item

23/02101/FUL - Land And Properties At Berkeley Close, South Cerney


Demolition of 56 no. existing REEMA non-traditional residential units and 21 lock up garages, stopping up of existing highway and the erection of 82 no. new residential units, the retention and refurbishment of 2 existing residential units, together with associated new proposed adopted highway, access drives, open space, external works and landscaping at Land And Properties At Berkeley Close, South Cerney Gloucestershire GL7 5UN


Case Officer

Andrew Moody


Ward Member

Councillor Juliet Layton



Permit subject to the completion of a S.106 unilateral undertaking to control the future occupancy of the dwellings as affordable housing and the provision of a financial contribution towards library facilities




The proposal was for the demolition of 56 no. existing REEMA non-traditional residential units and 21 lock up garages, stopping up of existing highway and the erection of 82 no. new residential units, the retention and refurbishment of 2 existing residential units, together with associated new proposed adopted highway, access drives, open space, external works and landscaping at Land and Properties at Berkeley Close, South Cerney, Gloucestershire, GL7 5UN.


The Chair introduced amended wording to recommendation, which now included a delegation to the Development Management Manager (in italics):


Permit subject to the completion of a S.106 unilateral undertaking to control the future occupancy of the dwellings as affordable housing and the provision of a financial contribution towards library facilities with delegated authority to Development Management manager to finalise the wording of the conditions and/or S.106 clauses for a scheme of mitigation displaced parking and delivery and maintenance of public open space.


The Case Officer introduced the item.


Councillor Ray Williamson of South Cerney Parish Council addressed the Committee and stated that the Parish Council accepted the green space provision but raised road safety elements relating to the primary school.


Chris McNulty, the agent, introduced the item. They stated that the applicant had worked with the Council to mitigate previous concerns about the green space and added that no objection had been raised from the primary school.


The Ward Member, Councillor Juliet Layton, addressed the Committee and welcomed the revised application which provided more green space than the prior one. However, she raised highway safety concerns and asked the Committee to consider mitigations of this.


Member Questions

Members asked questions, which officers responded to as below;

  • The Highways Officer stated that they had proposed a condition to mitigate parking concerns. The Chair stated that the delegation in the amended recommendation allowed this to happen.
  • The Applicant, Bromford Housing, could be conditioned to maintain the upkeep of the play area and provide play equipment and this would also be dealt with through the delegation to officers.
  • REEMA was a type of pre-fabricated concrete, it was considered by officers that this would improve the carbon footprint of the development (through energy efficiency).
  • 56 houses were to be demolished and replaced by 82 dwellings, the remaining 2 dwellings within the application site would be upgraded, as they were both parts of semi-detached houses where the other half was in private ownership.
  • The proposed recommendation was suggested replacement for the condition in the additional pages, which would allow officers to deal with the play area and lay-by details.
  • The CIL conditions required the houses to remain as socially rented houses but were not exempt from national legislation on right to buy.


Member comments


It was stated that it was regrettable that the application had taken so long to agree, but that the applicant could have avoided the situation by engaging with the Council on the green space issues in the first instance.


Councillor Andrew Maclean proposed the recommendation to permit, as introduced by the Chair earlier in the debate. He welcomed the application, deeming it to be an improvement on the one put forward at March’s Planning and Licensing Committee meeting and endorsing the amended recommendation with delegation to officers to ensure conditions on the displaced parking and play area.


Councillor David Fowles seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: That the Planning and Licensing Committee PERMITTED the application, subject to the completion of a S.106 unilateral undertaking to control the future occupancy of the dwellings as affordable housing and the provision of a financial contribution towards library facilities, with delegated authority to Development Management manager to finalise the wording of the conditions and/or S.106 clauses for a scheme of mitigation displaced parking and delivery and maintenance of public open space.

Supporting documents: