Agenda item
23/02066/FUL- Land To The Rear Of South Cerney Surgery, Clarks Hay, South Cerney
- Meeting of Planning and Licensing Committee, Wednesday, 10th July, 2024 2.00 pm (Item 21.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 21.
Erection of single-storey building to provide up to 2no. commercial units (Class E) and associated ancillary development at Land To The Rear Of South Cerney Surgery Clarks Hay South Cerney Gloucestershire
Case Officer
Helen Cooper
Ward Member
Councillor Juliet Layton
The application was for the erection of single-storey building to provide up to two commercial units (Class E) and associated ancillary development at Land To The Rear Of South Cerney Surgery, Clarks Hay, South Cerney, Gloucestershire.
The Case Officer introduced the item and explained that negotiations with the applicant had taken place and that they had agreed to reduce the scale of the proposal.
Public speakers addressed the Committee. At the Chair’s discretion two objectors were allowed to speak. They had both been registered for the slot due to an administrative error.
Christine Hall, an objector, addressed the Committee. The objector raised concern over parking and highways safety.
Colin Godfrey, an objector, addressed the Committee. The objector raised concerns over decreased parking space, and that the steep design of the roof was not in keeping with the Cotswold Design Code within the Local Plan.
Andrew Pywell, the agent, addressed the Committee. The agent stated that the application was in keeping with Local Plan Policies EC1, EC3, EC7 and EC8. They also addressed the parking concerns and stated that the centre was served by a private car park but that some issues existed with this, which would be ameliorated by the proposal.
Councillor Juliet Layton, the Ward Member, addressed the Committee. Councillor Layton addressed the parking concerns, explaining that she had chosen to refer the application to the Committee due to these reasons.
Member Questions
Councillor Mike Evemy stated that the South Cerney surgery was designated as his local GP surgery but that he did not feel he had a conflict of interest.
Councillor David Fowles also utilised the surgery.
Members asked questions of the Case Officer, who responded as follows;
- Unable to confirm whether comments had been received from the Phoenix Centre as it was not possible to access the comments during the meeting.
- There were no further parking restrictions on the road, but as part of the application, bays would be marked out, with the hopes of issues being alleviated.
- There was no information around trip generation from this use, as it was a broad use class.
- The proposals to resolve tandem parking would include designated employee parking with bollards.
- The application was for the use class E, not for a specified purpose within this.
Member Comments
Members commented on the application as follows;
- Some members felt that parking was not removed by this application, as there was already a lack of parking in the village, however this view was not shared by all.
- Others felt it would exacerbate the existing situation.
- Some felt that the availability of parking was variable.
- The parking was on private land, so the Council’s control over it was minimal
- There was considerable cooperation from the agent in revising the application.
The Interim Development Management Manager felt that the use of all six tandem parking spaces being used for employees was not clear, but the overall scheme including signage would be assessed as part of the conditions being discharged.
Councillor Judd proposed refusing the application, Councillor Fowles seconded this proposal, but later it was withdrawn by the proposer, citing a lack of material planning reasons for refusal.
Cllr Mark Harris proposed permitting the application.
Cllr Patrick Coleman seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application
Supporting documents:
23-02066-FUL - Land to Rear of South Cerney Surgery (Report), item 21.
PDF 211 KB
1 - 23-02066-FUL - Location-Block Plans, item 21.
PDF 352 KB
2 - 23-02066-FUL - Site-Parking Layout, item 21.
3 - 23-02066-FUL - Plans, item 21.
4 - 23-02066-FUL - Elevations, item 21.
5 - 23-02066-FUL - Section, item 21.
6 - 23-02066-FUL - Photographs, item 21.
PDF 995 KB