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Agenda item

Announcements from the Chair, Leader or Chief Executive (if any)

To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Council, the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive.


The Vice- Chair started this item by welcoming both Dr Roz Savage MP and Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP and congratulating them on their election to the South Cotswolds and North Cotswold parliamentary constituencies respectively. It was hoped that they could be present at a future Council meeting to engage with Members on national considerations. 


The Vice-Chair read announcements on behalf of the Chair who was not able to be in attendance:


The Chair had been in attendance for a number of gatherings on behalf of the Council: Mayor of Evesham Gathering for Civic Leaders, D-Day and Armed Forces Day Commemorations and the Annual Kiribati Tungaru gathering in Chedworth Village Hall.


An update was given on the Chair’s Cotswold Way Challenge Walk to commemorate 50 years of Cotswold District Council. 8 out of the 12 stages had been completed alongside other representatives from the charities supported, Council Officers and family members. 


The Vice-Chair also noted the following announcements: 


·         The Unsung Heroes award would be launching for nominations on 1 August to recognise the contributions of volunteers in the District. 


·         There would be an event on 25 September 2024 for the 50th Anniversary of the Council. The Council delivered over 50 different services within the District that supported communities.


The Leader, Councillor Joe Harris, was then invited to make the following announcements:


·         The Leader congratulated both Dr. Roz Savage and Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown on their election victories. The Leader also noted the importance of the General Election in engaging with residents and encouraging participation in democracy. 


·         The Leader noted the optimism regarding the new government and the need for the local government sector to be supported during the difficult financial challenges. There was a need for multi-year funding settlements to be able to make informed decisions on service delivery and capital investments. 


·         The Leader noted that the housing target from the Government had changed which would require 300 more homes to be built per year. In doing so, some points were noted in relation to housing.


·         Tough decisions were required with communities to deliver more homes to buy and to rent. 


·         Affordable housing was required to help those in the District to support communities particularly for those like carers to support the ageing population. 


·         The priority for the administration was to deliver more socially rented housing. 


·         The Council needed to meet housing targets and if it failed to meet the requirements, the Council could lose control of where and how those homes were built.


·         The whole Council was committed to get feedback from residents but there needed to be honesty about the requirements being asked of the Council. 


·         There were three Olympians competing in the Paris Olympic Games from the Cotswolds: Laura Collett and Tom McEwen in Equestrian events and Alex Cohoon in the swimming events and the Leader wished to wish them the best of luck.



The Chief Executive was then invited to make any announcements:


·         Congratulations were given to the MPs for the North and South Cotswolds on their election victories. Thanks was also given to the Elections Staff who worked so hard to deliver the process.


·         Best wishes were given to the Chair, Councillor Nikki Ind’s mother who was going in for a minor operation and was the reason for the Chair’s absence.


·         The Chief Executive wished to provide condolences to the friends and family following the tragic incidents in Southport.