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Agenda item

Publica Review- Detailed Transition Plan


To consider the Detailed Transition Plan, to note its content and to approve the recommendations therein.



That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

1.    Agree any recommendations it wishes to submit to the Cabinet Meeting on 25 July



Joe Harris, Leader of the Council

Robert Weaver, Chief Executive


The Democratic Services Business Manager explained that the Council had sought legal advice, and as the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was not a decision-making body (unlike Cabinet or Full Council), Officers employed by Publica could remain in the room for the duration of the item.


The purpose of the report was to consider the Detailed Transition Plan and to note its content.


The Leader of the Council introduced the item, he explained that:

  • The shareholder Publica councils had felt that they had experienced difficulty making decisions under Publica, which had led to the decision to transition most of the Council’s employees to directly employed contracts.
  • Employees would be transferred through a phased approach.
  • He hoped that the transition would better reflect member priorities and promote a cultural shift in the Council.


The Chief Executive explained that the first phase of staff would be transferred to the Council in November and staff consultation would be undertaken imminently. He asked that members refrained from asking specific questions on team structures.


Members discussed the report, and the following points were raised during this discussion:

  • The same processes for reviewing vacancies filled by agency staff would be followed, so this was not included in the cost. If any of these underlying assumptions regarding temporary staffing changed the Committee should be updated.
  • The Leader stated that he believed that the decision would allow the Council to have greater autonomy over staffing costs, as the other member councils would not have to be consulted on staffing and service decisions.
  • Members stated that it was important to engage with staff and ensure continuity and retention. The Chief Executive explained that engagement with staff had taken place, which had included question and answer sessions. The transition date of 1 November included the necessary timeframe for carrying out consultation with staff who were affected by the changes.
  • The impact of the increased employer pension contributions resulting from the transition was discussed. The Deputy Chief Executive explained that due to how the Local Government Pension Scheme functioned, there would be no short-term financial impact arising from the increased employer pension contributions. The next triennial review was due in March 2025 and any impact would be assessed then .
  • It was recognised that Business Continuity was important for maintaining services. The Deputy Chief Executive stated that the largest risks were the numbers around the financial details not being accurate, (although they were confident in the accuracy of these) and keeping ‘business as usual’ operating through a period of change. The Leader added that delivering cultural change was important to the transition, but that this could be difficult to monitor.
  • The Committee thought that there were a lot of aspirations for what the transition would achieve, but that some of these goals were not necessarily translated into tangible objectives.
  • Members asked for more numbers around the information within the Medium Term Financial Strategy, which the Deputy Chief Executive stated they would provide a written response to.
  • The Committee felt that it was important to receive an update on the success of the phase one transition before Phase 2 commenced.


The Chair summed up the debate, stating two key outcomes that she believed had arisen from the Committee’s discussion;


1.    That the Committee receives a report reviewing the implementation of Phase 1, before proposals for Phase 2 are brought forward for decision. 

2.    That the Committee recommends to Cabinet that more clarity is provided on what success looks like, sounds like and feels like and what key actions will deliver the Council’s objectives (service quality, greater control and cost reductions).



The resolution was proposed by Councillor David Cunningham, and seconded by Councillor Tony Slater.


RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


1.    NOTED the report

2.    AGREED to receive a report reviewing the implementation of phase one before proposals for phase 2 are brought forward

3.    AGREED to recommend that Cabinet provide more clarity on what success looks like, sounds like and feels like and what key actions will deliver the Council’s objectives (service quality, greater control and cost reductions).


Voting Record


10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions

Supporting documents: