Agenda item
Update on Strategic Plan for North Cotswolds
- Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 3rd February, 2025 4.00 pm (Item OS.148)
- View the background to item OS.148
To update the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on emerging strategic growth proposals at Moreton-in-Marsh.
That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the update on emerging strategic growth proposals at Moreton-in-Marsh and agrees any recommendations it wishes to submit to Cabinet.
The purpose of the item was to receive an update on the strategic plan for North Cotswolds.
Matthew Britton, the Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure, introduced the item and explained that in January 2024, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended setting up a Moreton-in-Marsh Working Group to be part of the Local Plan consultation for the Strategic Growth Proposal to consider the required infrastructure to support the additional 1,500 houses expected in the settlement.
The Officer gave the following updates:
- From the local consultations in February - April 2024 and again in October 2024 run by Planning for Real, there were asubstantial number of consultation responses which had been used to update the Local Plan policies.
- Further identified development sites were being assessed in the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability update.
- A feasibility study has been commissioned to look at the growth of Moreton-in-Marsh with a focus on the concerns highlighted from the Local Plan consultation on the capacity of the road system and the sewage infrastructure.
- There would be a community event on 12 February to feed back on consultation, brief on the Working Group and the Town council would provide a presentation on the Railway Station redevelopment.
In discussing the report, Members raised the following points:
- Concerns were raised about the slow progress with the first working group meeting happening 15 months after approval. The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure stated that there had been Government changes to National Planning Policy. The Council had bid for £250,000 of government funding as recognition of the delays being caused. The Local Development Scheme would be presented to the 6 March 2025 Cabinet meeting providing an updated timetable for the Local Plan and associated workstreams.
- Members wanted to know what the effect of new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) changes would be including the emphasis on the prioritisation of places near train stations for development. The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure explained that it was presumed that the Planning and Infrastructure Bill in March 2025 would be favourable to development around train stations.
- The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure identified that the NPPF changes meant that the annual housing target has risen from 504 to 1036 homes, significantly increasing planned growth.
- Members shared the uncertainty about the progress of the feasibility study and the Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure reported that whilst the update report was quite minimal, there were about 60 documents that were being updated e.g. Water Cycle Study, Infrastructure Delivery Plan. The consultants tasked with the Feasibility Study had split it into two parts with part 1 looking at whether a development was feasible before looking at key infrastructure to avoid unnecessary expenditure if deemed unsuitable.
- Members asked for details around the timing and publication of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability documents. The Officer reported that the Feasibility Study was being undertaken by Gloucestershire County Council and would be shared once available.
- Members were keen to know when the Working Group would be scheduled to meet and whether members would receive the necessary training to effectively participate. The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure acknowledged the delays in the programme and regular meeting programme would be set up from March 2025.
- Members asked how close the Council was to providing the annual 1036 homes target but the Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure was unable to give an answer until the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) was complete. The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure acknowledged that the housing supply report was updated annually and included sites from the adopted Local Plan, those with planning permission, and expected windfall sites but data about future local plan site allocations was not yet available.
- The Committee commented on the title of the report as it could confuse residents with the Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure agreeing that it was a ‘hangover’ from January last year but confirmed that the proposals for the North Cotswolds were a section of the Local Plan.
- Members asked about whether the Working Group would have a statutory consultation function and the Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure explained that the role was advisory.
- The Committee asked for clarification as to what aspects of the plans are retained in the partial update compared to the original full plan and the housing proposals and concerns raised about the highway impact and the sewage capacity to any further developments. The Interim Head of Planning Policy and Infrastructure explained that the Council was undertaking a partial local plan update (2011–2031) and a development strategy & site allocations plan, distinct from a full plan update. The development strategy would likely extend beyond 2041 due to the 15-year planning requirement from the date of adoption with further housing numbers dependent on feasibility studies and the update from strategic housing and land assessments.
RESOLVED: The Committee NOTED the report.
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