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Agenda item

24/00055/PLP- Land South Of 1 - 3 Corner Houses, Driffield, Gloucestershire, GL7 5QA


Permission in principle for the construction of 2 no. dwellings at Land South Of 1 - 3 Corner Houses Driffield Gloucestershire GL7 5QA


Case Officer

Andrew Moody


Ward Member

Councillor Lisa Spivey





The Case Officer introduced the item. The application was for the permission in principle for the construction of two dwellings at Land South of 1 – 3 Corner Houses Driffield Gloucestershire GL7 5QA.


Councillor David Fowles stated that he knew the owners of the land but that it did not constitute a pecuniary interest on his part and he had not pre-determined the application.


Public Speakers


Joe Seymour from McLoughlin Planning Ltd, the agent on the application addressed the Committee. He stated that the applicant was a small scale house builder and that the application was for two new houses.


Councillor Lisa Spivey addressed the Committee as the Ward Member. Councillor Spivey explained that she had referred the application to the Committee due to a potential conflict between Local Plan Polices DS3 (Small-Scale Residential Development In Non-Principal Settlements) and DS4 (Open Market Housing Outside Principal And Non-Principal Settlements).



Member Questions


Members asked questions, to which the Case Officer provided answers;

  • On the point of what a permission in principle application constituted, the Case Officer referred to paragraph 10.4 of their report, which stated; “With regard to the decision making process, the PPG (Planning Practice Guidance) states: ‘How must a decision on whether to grant permission in principle to a site be made? A decision on whether to grant permission in principle to a site following a valid application or by entering it on Part 2 of a brownfield land register must be made in accordance with relevant policies in the development plan unless there are material considerations, such as those in the National Planning Policy Framework and national guidance, which indicate otherwise.’“ The Committee would therefore need to make its decision on the sustainability of development in this location.
  • There were no details for the garden’s ownership, as that information was not required for a permission in principle application.
  • The Local Plan review that was underway included review of policy DS3 but that this was not material to the application.
  • It was confirmed that the appeal process was the same as for any other application.
  • The Highways Authority recommended refusal, but this was due to a blanket approach to all development in non-principal boundaries which did not take into consideration the existence of DS3 which was conflicting.


Member Comments


Members commented on the application, stating that Ampney Crucis was closely related to the village of Driffield, and served it in terms of amenities. This was considered a good opportunity to support the village’s growth in a way that was proportionate in scale.


Councillor Julia Judd proposed permitting the application, agreeing with the recommendations in the report, and adding that the applicant had built sympathetically designed homes at a small scale across the district. 


Councillor Dilys Neill seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application


Voting record


9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions, 2 Absent/Did not vote





Absent/Did not vote

Ray Brassington



Ian Watson

Patrick Coleman



Andrew Maclean

Daryl Corps




David Fowles




Dilys Neill




Gary Selwyn




Julia Judd




Mark Harris




Michael Vann





Supporting documents: