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Agenda item

Notice of Motions

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12, the following Motions have been received:-


Motion A: The Unsung Heroes Award


Proposer: Councillor Lisa Spivey

Seconder: Councillor Nikki Ind


Recognising the invaluable contributions of unsung heroes within our communities, Council is inspired by the ethos of community service set by King Charles at the beginning of his reign.

Council should seek to encourage others to engage in volunteer work and acknowledge the essential role volunteers play in sustaining vital community services.

As more pressures are placed on our communities, it is so important to recognise those unsung heroes. Volunteering allows community members to be actively engaged and help address needs and issues they care about. This builds stronger bonds within a community.

Volunteering provides opportunities for people to gain work experience, build skills, and make professional connections. This can benefit volunteers individually as well as strengthen the overall workforce.

Volunteering often connects people from different backgrounds and builds understanding between diverse groups within a community.

Volunteering is associated with benefits like better health, lower stress, and a longer lifespan for those who volunteer. When people volunteer it not only helps the community but can also enhance the lives of the volunteers.

Acknowledging the cost-effective nature of this approach in the current economic climate and the rising cost of living, underscores the critical reliance on volunteers for community well-being.

Recognising the pivotal role volunteers play in sustaining essential services such as Citizens Advice, Cotswold Friends, food banks, Churn Project and many others, this Council resolves:

  1. To implement a process enabling members of the public to contact their respective ward councillors, with nominations of ‘unsung hero’ volunteers.  At each Full Council, up to four unsung heroes will be announced by the chair/leader. These unsung heroes will be chosen following a review of all nominations at a meeting of the Chair, Vice Chair and portfolio holder for Cost of Living. The chosen nominees would then be invited to attend the council meeting. If they are able to attend, they would then be presented with a letter of thanks, signed by the leader and chair of the council and the Ward Member, alongside this, they would be also presented with an unsung hero pin badge. 
  2. To resource and host a biannual coffee morning to promote volunteering opportunities and express gratitude to those who selflessly serve. This would be open to all volunteers, regardless of winning.
  3. To note that the programme shall stand as a testament to our deep appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the public in supporting and enriching our community.






Councillor Mark Harris as Vice Chair of Council then took the Chair as Councillor Ind was the seconder of the motion.


Councillor Lisa Spivey introduced the motion on behalf of Councillor Bloomer who had given apologies for absence. The following points were made:


  • The officers were thanked for all the work that had gone into it.
  • The motion was necessary for the wellbeing and vitality of communities.
  • It was imperative to recognise the selfless dedication of volunteers in the communities inspired by example of King Charles III.
  • The cost-of-living crisis had meant that volunteers were relied upon more to deliver services to residents.
  • The work of volunteers benefited their personal and professional development and strengthened the bonds within communities.
  • The motion would establish a process for the public to nominate unsung heroes, of which four would be chosen to be recognised at a Full Council meeting. They would receive a letter of thanks and a pin badge.
  • In addition, a biannual coffee morning would be established for all volunteers to promote their work and thank them for their service.


Councillor Ind seconded and made the following points:


  • Councillor Ind was delighted with the idea brought by Councillor Bloomer.
  • The example of volunteers was important in communities and particularly in Tetbury with the friendship café and community fridge which provided vital support for residents.
  • Volunteers’ work often goes under the radar, and this would help the Council recognise those within the District doing that work.
  • The work was also noted as an extension of former Councillor Julian Beales work with Community Champions. 


Council noted the previous work of Councillor Julian Beale and how volunteers were previously recognised. It was noted that this motion would be on an ongoing basis rather than just a one-off event.


Council commented that there should be a coffee meeting in the north and one in the south of the District.


Council noted that it would be appropriate to also recognise teams rather than just individuals.


Council asked which team was picking this up and it was confirmed that this would be the Communities Team. It was also noted that a nominations email address would be created for this.


Council noted the importance of involving town and parish councils in identifying individuals.



RESOLVED: That Full Council AGREED to pass the following motion:



 Recognising the invaluable contributions of unsung heroes within our communities, Council is inspired by the ethos of community service set by King Charles at the beginning of his reign.


Council should seek to encourage others to engage in volunteer work and acknowledge the essential role volunteers play in sustaining vital community services.


As more pressures are placed on our communities, it is so important to recognise those unsung heroes. Volunteering allows community members to be actively engaged and help address needs and issues they care about. This builds stronger bonds within a community.


Volunteering provides opportunities for people to gain work experience, build skills, and make professional connections. This can benefit volunteers individually as well as strengthen the overall workforce.


Volunteering often connects people from different backgrounds and builds understanding between diverse groups within a community.


Volunteering is associated with benefits like better health, lower stress, and a longer lifespan for those who volunteer. When people volunteer it not only helps the community but can also enhance the lives of the volunteers.


Acknowledging the cost-effective nature of this approach in the current economic climate and the rising cost of living, underscores the critical reliance on volunteers for community well-being.


Recognising the pivotal role volunteers play in sustaining essential services such as Citizens Advice, Cotswold Friends, food banks, Churn Project and many others, this Council resolves:


  1. To implement a process enabling members of the public to contact their respective ward councillors, with nominations of ‘unsung hero’ volunteers.  At each Full Council, up to four unsung heroes will be announced by the chair/leader. These unsung heroes will be chosen following a review of all nominations at a meeting of the Chair, Vice Chair and portfolio holder for Cost of Living. The chosen nominees would then be invited to attend the council meeting. If they are able to attend, they would then be presented with a letter of thanks, signed by the leader and chair of the council and the Ward Member, alongside this, they would be also presented with an unsung hero pin badge.
  2. To resource and host a biannual coffee morning to promote volunteering opportunities and express gratitude to those who selflessly serve. This would be open to all volunteers, regardless of winning.
  3. To note that the programme shall stand as a testament to our deep appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the public in supporting and enriching our community.

Voting Record


30 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention, 4 Absent/Did not vote






not vote

Andrew Maclean



Claire Bloomer

Angus Jenkinson



Julia Judd

Chris Twells



Roly Hughes

Clare Turner



Tristan Wilkinson

Daryl Corps



David Cunningham




David Fowles




Dilys Neil




Gary Selwyn




Gina Blomefield




Helene Mansilla




Ian Watson




Jeremy Theyer




Joe Harris




Jon Wareing




Juliet Layton




Len Wilkins




Lisa Spivey




Mark Harris




Mike Evemy




Michael Vann




Mike McKeown




Nigel Robbins




Nikki Ind




Patrick Coleman




Paul Hodgkinson




Ray Brassington




Tom Stowe




Tony Dale




Tony Slater