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Agenda item

Announcements from the Chair, Leader of Chief Executive (if any)

To receive any announcements from the Chair of Council, Leader of the Council and/or the Chief Executive.


The Chair made the following announcements:


  • Councillor Ind thanked colleagues for their continued support in allowing her to be Chair of Cotswold District Council for another year. It was noted that it was a real privilege for her to be Chair and to make a difference for her community. 
  • Since the last Council meeting, the Chair confirmed that she had represented the Council on a number of visits: the Barn Theatre Gala Performance, Forest of Dean District Council charity dinner, Evesham civic service, the restaurant launch at the Stratton House Hotel and the Cirencester Town Council civic reception.
  • It was noted that there had been a number of good briefings on Affordable Housing and Waste and Recycling Rezoning.
  • Finally, the Chair announced that as part of the 50th Anniversary of Cotswold District Council she would walking The Cotswold Way this summer to raise money for three charities across the District. These were Cotswold Friends, the Churn Project, and Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust. It was also noted that she would be donating her Councillor Allowances uplift across the three charities.


The Leader was then invited to give some announcements:


  • The Leader congratulated Cllr Ind on her re-election as Chair.
  • Congratulations to the Chief Executive were given on the birth of their new daughter.
  • There was also a welcome given to Alan Hope as the new Strategic Housing Manager.
  • There had been a number of issues around Member safety with vandalism of car tyres. It was noted there would be a review of member safety and the Leader reminded Members to be vigilant and to report any concerns as appropriate.
  • The Leader then wished to talk about the following issues locally:
  • Kingshill Meadow roundabout closure:

·         The County Council had now indicated that the roundabout would be reopened in June, which was welcomed.

·         There was a frustration amongst local people following poor communication and the time taken to get a solution in place.

·         The economic impact was tough on local businesses when important events like the Badminton Festival were taking place.

·         The Leader would write to the County Council on behalf of the Council on this and on the second issue of verge maintenance.

Verge maintenance

·         Overgrown roundabouts locally were noted as a road safety hazard.

·         Whilst enhanced biodiversity was important, it had to be done in a managed way.

·         The District Council stood ready to assist but it was up to the County Council to lead as this was a highways issue.


Gloucestershire Growth Strategy

·         A leaked document from the County Council outlined plans to build 142,000 dwellings across the District.

·         It was recognised that these proposals would raise concerns in terms of the size of the increase in housing stock.

·         The current proposals by the Council would require 3,300 homes to be built in addition to the 5,150 homes that already had permissions or had been allocated within the Local Plan. These proposals being far below the plans within the document.

·         Cotswold District Council had been bound by confidentiality during private discussions on proposals so the leaking of the document raised questions to the County Council. 

·         It was affirmed that the Council could not support these proposals.

·         It was outlined that the Council’s policies were delivering genuinely affordable homes in a sustainable way which engages residents at every stage.


The Chief Executive was then invited to provide any announcements:


·         The Chief Executive congratulated the Chair and Vice-Chair on their re-election.

·         The Chief Executive thanked colleagues for their gifts and good wishes.

·         Thanks were given to those staff involved in the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections to ensure they ran smoothly.

·         The Chief Executive noted that he was looking forward to working with all colleagues.