Agenda item
Service Performance Report 2024-25 Quarter One
- Meeting of Cabinet, Thursday, 5th September, 2024 6.00 pm (Item 32.)
- View the background to item 32.
To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance.
That Cabinet resolves to:
1. Note overall progress on the Council priorities and service performance for 2024-25 Q1.
The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance.
RESOLVED: Cabinet NOTED overall progress on the Council priorities and service performance for 2024-25 Q1.
The purpose of the report was to provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance.
The Chair asked the Chief Executive to introduce the report:
· The report was introduced to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 September 2024.
· The report was noted to be in arrears in terms of service performance reporting, but that an advice note was provided within the report to provide an indication of any current changes to service performance.
· The key positive performance areas were noted above target:
- Percentage of Council Tax collected was on track to meet the end of year target and current progress in quarter 1 was 34%.
- Percentage of Non-Domestic rates were on target around 30%.
- Council Tax support change of events was at 4 days compared a target at 5.
- Customer satisfaction was at 99% compared to a target of 90%.
- Planning applications were all above the current target.
- Affordable housing delivered was 29 against a target of 25.
- Gym memberships were up at 3,823 against an expectation of 3700.
- Leisure visits were at 113,340 above target to attract more into the facilities.
· The following areas were noted as being below target:
- Processing times for Council Tax Support (new claims) was at 22 days against a target of 20.
- Housing benefits (change of circumstances) was at 6 days against a target of 4.
- High risk food premises inspected was just under 70% against a target of 95% within the timescales. This was noted as being dealt with through further resources and monitoring.
- Missed Bins per 100,000 was 141 against a target of 80 which was largely down to challenges from garden waste collections and the reorganisation of routes.
The Deputy Leader then spoke regarding the missed bin collections as the portfolio holder for waste and recycling. It was highlighted that recent issues have been due to staff shortages at Ubico due to staff sickness combined with the changes. The Deputy Leader apologised to residents for any inconveniences caused by these issues with collections. It was noted that a more formal review would be done once the service had returned to standards expected. It was highlighted that the changes to rounds would help to engender a new culture change to support other crews where needed.
Cabinet noted that whilst there were areas for improvements, and there were many positive markers in performance. It was highlighted that this was a credit to the staff who worked at the Council to provide these services.
Cabinet asked about customer satisfaction by email being lower than expected and wished to know the background to this. There was also a question around call waiting times which had gone up, and what flexibility there was in the system. The Deputy Leader noted that email satisfaction was where it had been historically, which was more in regard to the contents of the email as opposed to the service provided. The Senior Performance Analyst also noted the vacancies in the service during the reporting period which had now been addressed. On email satisfaction, many of the complaints were due to the processes as opposed to customer services.
RESOLVED: Cabinet NOTED overall progress on the Council priorities and service performance for 2024-25 Q1.
Supporting documents:
Cotswold Cabinet - Perfomance Report 2024-25 Quarter One, item 32.
PDF 132 KB
Annex A - Corporate Plan Action Tracker 2024-25 Q1, item 32.
Annex B - Council Priority report 2024-25 Q1, item 32.
PDF 454 KB
Annex C - Performance Report Q1 2024-2025, item 32.