Agenda item
Petition received in relation to Visitor Information Centres
For Council to consider a petition submitted under the Local Petition Scheme (Part F of the Constitution).
That Council resolves to either;
1) Refer the petition to Cabinet as the decision-maker for the request to be considered.
2) Refer the petition to Overview and Scrutiny Committee for review.
3) Note the petition and take no further action.
The purpose of this item was to consider a petition presented by Councillors David Fowles and Tom Stowe regarding Visitor Information Centres in the Cotswold District.
The Chair announced that as the Local Petition Scheme within the Constitution only allowed for a maximum debating time of 15 minutes, it was felt by many Members from all groups that this wasn’t sufficient time to debate the topic.
The Chair therefore proposed that this specific Rule of Procedure (in paragraph 19 of the Local Petition Scheme) be suspended for the duration of this item.
Councillor Nikki Ind proposed, and Councillor Joe Harris seconded.
RESOLVED: That Council suspend the time limit rule in paragraph 19 of the Local Petition Scheme as outlined for the duration of this item.
Voting Record
27 For, 2 Against, 0 Abstention, 2 Absent/Did not vote
For |
Against |
Abstention |
Absent/Did not vote |
Angus Jenkinson |
Andrew Maclean |
Jon Wareing |
Claire Bloomer |
Chris Twells |
Ray Brassington |
Clare Muir |
Clare Turner |
Daryl Corps |
David Cunningham |
David Fowles |
Dilys Neill |
Gary Selwyn |
Gina Blomefield |
Helen Mansilla |
Ian Watson |
Jeremy Theyer |
Joe Harris |
Julia Judd |
Juliet Layton |
Len Wilkins |
Lisa Spivey |
Mark Harris |
Michael Vann |
Mike Evemy |
Mike McKeown |
Nikki Ind |
Nigel Robbins |
Patrick Coleman |
Paul Hodgkinson |
Tom Stowe |
Tony Dale |
Tony Slater |
Councillor Tom Stowe as the Petition Organiser and Leader of the Conservative Group presented the petition to Councillor Joe Harris, Leader of the Council.
Councillor Stowe highlighted that:
- Councillor Stowe and Councillor Fowles had presented the petition to the Deputy Chief Executive on Tuesday 5 September which called for the reversal of the decision to cut £54,000 to save visitor information centres in Bourton-on-the-Water, Chipping Campden, Stow-on-the-Wold and Tetbury.
- The petition contained 2093 signatures and 953 signatures from Cotswold residents. It was noted that since the petition was handed in, there were an additional 316 signatories with 83 of these being from Cotswold district residents.
- The response was higher than the Council’s budget consultation and was a great example of local democracy in action.
- Visitor information centres helped contribute to the tourism sector of the Cotswolds which was an industry providing many jobs to residents.
- The decision to remove grant support taken by Cabinet would have an impact on the provision of visitor information centres.
- The funding was to be withdrawn at the end of September and therefore that time was of the essence for Cabinet to reconsider the decision taken.
Councillor Fowles, the second petition organiser then spoke and highlighted that:
- The Council’s stated principles to decision-making, and that local views would be considered to contribute to decisions taken.
- There were Members from both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Groups who represent wards which have Visitor Information Centres located in their ward.
- The decision taken in December 2021 by Cabinet included a consultation with these centres, which had not appeared to have been done.
- The centres provide the opportunity to seek information and buy products which was felt could not be as useful online.
The Chair then addressed Council as a Tetbury ward member. It was noted that there was no known engagement with Tetbury residents, and that only 7 residents from Tetbury had signed the petition itself. It was noted that Tetbury Town Council had been planning for the removal of funding, and that the financial position of the Council needed to be considered.
Councillor Tony Dale, Cabinet Member for Economy and Council Transformation then addressed Council as the accountable member and said that:
- There had been a lot of proactive efforts to promote modern and active tourism and this decision could be helpful to provide modern digital services.
- The concerns were recognised by the Cabinet, and that the Council had given grants during its time in office.
- Many of the Visitor Information Centres had been planning for the future when the original decision was taken in December 2021.
- Digital training had been given to help all organisations businesses in the district promote tourism globally.
- Whilst it was regrettable that the grants had to be removed, it was hoped that the Visitor Information Centres would continue to engage with their communities.
There were various points raising concerns over the future of these centres once the grant funding had been withdrawn. However, it was also highlighted how alternative funding sources such as Crowdfund Cotswold may be available to them.
It was noted that Cabinet would need to reconsider the decision quickly if it wished to do so before the funding was withdrawn. Therefore, option two would not be considered as helpful at this point.
Councillor Evemy then proposed the following resolution in response to the petition:
“This Council notes:
1) The petition signed by 957 residents and 1,140non-residents of the District and the desire from the signatories for the Visitor Information Centres in Chipping Campden, Stow-on-the-Wold, Bourton-on-the-Water and Tetbury to remain open;
2) The budget it passed on 15 February 2023 removed the funding allocation for the four visitor information centres with effect from 1 October 2023 following the decision by Cabinet on 6 December 2021 to continue funding the centres for an 18-month period until 30 September 2023;
3) The report presented to Cabinet on 17 July 2023 when the Cabinet decided to allocate an additional £6,000 to the Bourton Visitor Information Centre in recognition of the support to be provided for coach parking in the village until 31 December 2023.
4) That the four affected centres have been offered non-financial, transitional, strategic support by the Council’s economic development lead, working closely with the local town and parish councils alongside input from the tourism team until 31 December 2023. The purpose of the support is to work alongside the VICs towards a self-sustaining business model and provide signposting to known funding opportunities for projects which facilitate digital engagement. This could include connecting to business support or training and potential opportunities to bid for relevant funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund or Rural England Prosperity Fund to support sustainable future delivery models.
5) The Council recognises its financial position. It is facing a significant financial challenge over the medium-term with a budget gap of £5m identified (2024/25 to 2026/27) in the February 2023 MTFS and a forecast overspend of £448,000 in its 2023/24 revenue budget as reported to Cabinet on 12 September. With both expenditure and income pressures continuing it is likely the budget gap will increase in part due to higher levels of inflation this year. The Council therefore needs to take action to bring its income and expenditure into line.
The Council therefore resolves to take no additional action in response to this petition.”
It was then noted that within the Council’s Budget passed by Council in February 2023, the Visitor Information Centre funding reductions had been outlined and agreed by a majority vote.
It was highlighted that the financial position of the Council was not considered within the petition’s resolution, and therefore could not be considered by those signing.
Councillor Joe Harris as seconder of the Liberal Democrat’s Group resolution said that the debate had been constructive, but that the financial challenges meant that the proposal in the petition could not be met.
It was highlighted that some services may need to be reconsidered or taken on by Town and Parish Councils if possible. It was further noted that the Town and Parish Councils did not have a cap on their precept levels, and therefore this could be a source of funding for them.
Following a query raised by the Senior Democratic Services Officer, it was confirmed by the Director of Governance that the Liberal Democrat Group Resolution would be voted upon as it was the first resolution proposed and seconded.
1. The petition signed by 957 residents and 1,140non-residents of the District and the desire from the signatories for the Visitor Information Centres in Chipping Campden, Stow-on-the-Wold, Bourton-on-the-Water and Tetbury to remain open;
2. The budget it passed on 15 February 2023 removed the funding allocation for the four visitor information centres with effect from 1 October 2023 following the decision by Cabinet on 6 December 2021 to continue funding the centres for an 18-month period until 30 September 2023;
3. The report presented to Cabinet on 17 July 2023 when the Cabinet decided to allocate an additional £6,000 to the Bourton Visitor Information Centre in recognition of the support to be provided for coach parking in the village until 31 December 2023.
4. That the four affected centres have been offered non-financial, transitional, strategic support by the Council’s economic development lead, working closely with the local town and parish councils alongside input from the tourism team until 31 December 2023. The purpose of the support is to work alongside the VICs towards a self-sustaining business model and provide signposting to known funding opportunities for projects which facilitate digital engagement. This could include connecting to business support or training and potential opportunities to bid for relevant funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund or Rural England Prosperity Fund to support sustainable future delivery models.
5. The Council recognises its financial position. It is facing a significant financial challenge over the medium-term with a budget gap of £5m identified (2024/25 to 2026/27) in the February 2023 MTFS and a forecast overspend of £448,000 in its 2023/24 revenue budget as reported to Cabinet on 12 September. With both expenditure and income pressures continuing it is likely the budget gap will increase in part due to higher levels of inflation this year. The Council therefore needs to take action to bring its income and expenditure into line.
The Council therefore RESOLVED to take no additional action in response to this petition
Voting Record
21 For, 10 Against, 1 Abstention
For |
Against |
Abstention |
Absent/Did not vote |
Angus Jenkinson |
Chris Twells |
Andrew Maclean |
Jon Wareing |
Claire Bloomer |
Daryl Corps |
Ray Brassington |
Clare Muir |
David Cunningham |
Clare Turner |
David Fowles |
Dilys Neill |
Gina Blomefield |
Gary Selwyn |
Jeremy Theyer |
Helen Mansilla |
Julia Judd |
Ian Watson |
Len Wilkins |
Joe Harris |
Tom Stowe |
Juliet Layton |
Tony Slater |
Lisa Spivey |
Mark Harris |
Michael Vann |
Mike Evemy |
Mike McKeown |
Nikki Ind |
Nigel Robbins |
Patrick Coleman |
Paul Hodgkinson |
Tony Dale |
Supporting documents:
Petition Report, item 64.
Liberal Democrat Group Resolution on Item 11, item 64.
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