Agenda item
23/01233/FUL- Birdlip View, Cirencester Road, Birdlip
Erection of 1 ½ storey detached double garage annex at Birdlip View Cirencester Road Birdlip Gloucestershire GL4 8JL
Case Officer
Cameron Berry
Ward Member
Councillor Julia Judd
The application was for the erection of 1 ½ storey detached double garage annex at Birdlip View Cirencester Road Birdlip Gloucestershire GL4 8JL
The Case Officer’s recommendation was to permit.
The Case Officer introduced the report, stating that the site was with the AONB but not within the Conservation Area. The site was also not within a development boundary.
The Case Officer stated that concerns had been raised that the garage would be used as dwelling and that conditions had been applied in light of this.
Cllr Eileen Mckay representing Birdlip Parish Council addressed the Committee objecting to the application
Ms Emily Woodward-Court, the applicant addressed the Committee.
Councillor Julia Judd, the Ward Member addressed the Committee, highlighting the local objections to it, and stating that a site visit would have been beneficial.
Member Questions
Members asked if the site had permitted development rights. The Interim Development Manager stated that the usual permitted development rights applied as the application was not in a Conservation Area. The Interim Development Manager also stated that the impact on the AONB was considered to be small, as the extension was minimally visible from the AONB and is within the built up envelope of the site and its surrounds.
Members stated that the drawings were difficult to interpret and asked if a site visit could be arranged. The Committee had the ability to propose this, but did not, as the Case Officer had advised that the site was difficult to see due to it being overgrown, with construction work taking place.
Members asked if the garden was deemed to be sufficient for a family. The Interim Development Manager stated that the Local Plan did not have many requirements for this, but that in their view it was sufficient garden space, albeit unconventional in layout.
Members asked why there had been so many planning applications on the site. The Interim Development Manager stated that the applications had been comprised of applications for various extensions to the main dwelling, (which had been granted) and applications to build a new dwelling in place of the garage, (which had been refused on principle alone, under Local Plan Policy DS4).
Members asked if the application was refused, whether the applicants would still be able to build the garage, without the extension. The Interim Development Manager, confirmed that this was the case, so long as the use remained incidental to the main dwelling. The Interim Development Manager stated that a condition could be added to prevent sale or let of the building separate to the main house. Although, it was recognised that the local plan states that tourism should be encouraged, so members would need strong planning reasons to add these conditions.
Member Comments
It was discussed whether a condition that the site could not be sold (but allowing letting) separate to the main site. The Interim Development Manager stated that the condition requiring ancillary use would cover this.
Councillor Mark Harris proposed permitting the application.
Councillor Juliet Layton seconded the proposal.
Some members stated that although the site was visible from a dual carriageway, it did not enhance the AONB and did not support the application.
RESOLVED: To PERMIT the application
Voting Record: For - 6, Against - 3, Abstentions – 0.
For |
Against |
Abstain/ Did not vote |
Ray Brassington |
Daryl Corps |
Andrew Maclean |
Mark Harris |
Patrick Coleman |
Michael Vann |
Julia Judd |
Juliet Layton |
David Fowles |
Ian Watson |
Supporting documents:
- 1 - 23.01233.FUL - Case Officer Report, item 248. PDF 132 KB
- 2 - 23.01233.FUL - Site Location Plan, item 248. PDF 181 KB
- 3 - 23.01233.FUL - Existing Elevations 1, item 248. PDF 199 KB
- 4 - 23.01233.FUL - Existing Elevations 2, item 248. PDF 231 KB
- 5 - 23.01233.FUL - Existing Ground Floor Site Plan, item 248. PDF 454 KB
- 6 - 23.01233.FUL - Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations, item 248. PDF 607 KB
- 7 - 23.01233.FUL - Proposed Ground Floor Site Plan, item 248. PDF 704 KB
- 8 - 23.01233.FUL - Site Access Arrangements, item 248. PDF 233 KB