Agenda item
21/04539/FUL- Land Off Cricklade Road, South Cerney
Change of use of land to 3 No. Traveller pitches and associated works including, 3 No. day rooms, 3 No. mobile homes, 3 No. touring caravans, and hard standing at Land Off Cricklade Road South Cerney Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 5QE
Ward Member
Councillor Mike Evemy
Case Officer
Andrew Moody
PERMIT subject to the Applicant completing a S.111 legal agreement and making the necessary financial contribution to mitigate the impact of the development upon the north meadow special area of conservation
The application was for a Change of use of land to 3 No. Traveller pitches and associated works including 3 No. day rooms, 3 No. mobile homes, 3 No. touring caravans, and hard standing at Land Off Cricklade Road South Cerney Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 5QE.
The Officer recommendation was to permit subject to the applicant
Completing a S.111 legal agreement and making the necessary financial contribution to mitigate the impact of the development upon the north meadow special area of conservation.
The case officer introduced the report, and drew the Committee’s attention the revised wording for Condition 3, which was shared with the committee and differed from the wording in the additional pages update –
“The site shall not be occupied by any persons than gypsies and travellers, defined as persons of a nomadic have of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons who on grounds only of their own or their family’s or dependants’ educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily or permanently, but excluding members of an organised group of travelling show people or circus people travelling together as such”
A printed copy of this had been circulated to the Committee.
Dr Simon Ruston, who was the agent, addressed the committee. Dr Ruston made reference to the objection comments which had been to the application. The agent stated that there was no contradiction with the neighbourhood plan. The agent had stated that Gypsy and Traveller sites are in keeping with rural sites, and that they did not need to be allocated within the Local Plan. The agent also stated that impact on property values were not a material planning consideration. The agent stated that a landscaping plan was included in the Officer’s report. The agent outlined that the Council would be able to meet the need for plans without needing to impact the AONB.
Councillor Evemy addressed the committee as the ward member. Councillor Evemy stated that he had referred this decision to committee due to the normal presumption against development outside of principal settlements, but felt that the Committee should decide on whether there were compelling reasons to permit additional Gypsy and traveller locations at this site.
The Chair invited members to provide feedback following the Sites Inspection Briefing. The Committee reflected on the following;
- The pitch was a spacious site, suitable for this kind of development
- The road was very fast, with potential danger, although recognised that the road was not busy
- The site was out of the AONB
- The distance was suitable from neighbouring properties and the road
Member Questions
Members asked what the landscaping plan consisted of, and whether there would be any planting between the units. Officers stated that the planting was intended to supplement the existing breaks in the hedgerows, and there would be no planting between the mobile homes.
Member Comments
Councillor Maclean proposed to accept the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor Watson seconded the proposal.
There was sentiment by some members that the decision should have been an Officer delegated decision, but the Development Manager stated that it was generally considered good practice to bring such an application to committee.
RESOLVED: To Permit the application subject to the applicant
Completing a S.111 legal agreement and making the necessary financial contribution to mitigate the impact of the development upon the north meadow special area of conservation.
Voting record – For- 8, against- 2 abstentions- 1
For |
Against |
Abstained/did not vote |
Andrew Maclean |
David Fowles |
Ray Brassington |
Daryl Corps |
Julia Judd |
Dilys Neill |
Gary Selwyn |
Ian Watson |
Mark Harris |
Michael Vann |
Patrick Coleman |
Supporting documents:
- 21.04529.FUL - Land off Cricklade Road South Cerney, item 207. PDF 118 KB
- 1 - Site Location Plan, item 207. PDF 651 KB
- 2 - Block Plan (2100096-02), item 207. PDF 940 KB
- 3 - Plan & Elevations (2100096-03), item 207. PDF 371 KB
- 4 - Photographs, item 207. PDF 611 KB