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Agenda item

Draft Programme of Meetings 2023-24


To set a programme of Council and committee meetings for 2023-24.



That Council resolves to:

a)    Approve the programme of meetings for May 2023 and the inclusion of a Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on 26 April 2023 as set out in part 2 of the report and shown in Annex A;

b)    Note that the Leader of the Council has agreed to move the Cabinet meeting originally scheduled for 6 March 2023 to 13 March 2023 and to cancel the Cabinet meeting that was scheduled for 3 April 2023;

c)    Approve the programme of meetings for June 2023 to May 2024 (Annex B);

d)    Delegate authority to the Director of Governance and Development (Monitoring Officer), in consultation with Group Leaders, to make changes to the programme of meetings in the event that there is any future decision of Council to change the committee structure or committee remits that impacts the programme of meetings;

e)    Delegate authority to the Democratic Services Business Manager to set meeting dates for the Performance and Appointments Committee and the Licensing Sub-Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Matters);

f)     Agree that, subject to any alternative proposals Council considers and agrees, meeting start times will be rolled forwards from 2022/23;

g)    Delegate Authority to the Director of Governance and Development (Monitoring Officer) to set dates for member training and briefing sessions and any working groups established by the Council.


The purpose of the report was to set a programme of Council and committee meetings for 2023-24.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report and the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance provided background and context for the proposed timetable of future Council meetings to May 2024.


Council noted that the recommended changes included:

·         changing and cancelling some meetings during the pre-election period, the period between the election and the first post-election Annual Council, and around the Coronation of King Charles III

·         avoiding Gloucestershire school holidays

·         avoiding clashes with County Council and Town and Parish Council meetings

·         continuing with Committee meeting starting times in the afternoon to enable Councillors in paid employment to attend meetings.

·         recommending Planning and Licensing Committee and Sub-Committees consider starting all meeting at 2.00pm and recommend Audit and Overview and Scrutiny Committees start their meetings at 5.00pm and take no longer than three hours.


Council noted that some CDC Councillors were also County Councillors and Town and Parish Councillors and it was important that any changes to meeting times and dates should not clash with these other responsibilities.


Council noted the gap between meetings of the Planning and Licensing Committee from March to June 2023 was due to the holiday period and the local elections and requested a report to a future meeting so that a meeting date for the Planning and Licensing Committee could be set for mid-late April 2023.


RESOLVED: That Council agreed to approve the programme of meetings for May 2023 and the inclusion of a Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on 26 April 2023 as set out in part 2 of the report and shown in Annex A and

·         noted that the Leader of the Council had agreed to move the Cabinet meeting originally scheduled for 6 March 2023 to 13 March 2023 and to cancel the Cabinet meeting that was scheduled for 3 April 2023

·         approved the programme of meetings for June 2023 to May 2024 (Annex B)

·         delegated authority to the Director of Governance and Development (Monitoring Officer), in consultation with Group Leaders, to make changes to the programme of meetings in the event that there is any future decision of Council to change the committee structure or committee remits that impacts the programme of meetings;

·         delegated authority to the Democratic Services Business Manager to set meeting dates for the Performance and Appointments Committee and the Licensing Sub-Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Matters)

·         agreed that meetings shall start at the same times as in 2022/23 subject to the following changes:

o   all Planning and Licensing Committee meetings to start at 2pm

o   Licensing Sub-Committee meetings to start no earlier than 2pm

o   Annual Council meetings on 25/05/2023 and 15/05/2024 to start at 6pm

o   Overview and Scrutiny and Audit Committee meetings to start at 5pm

o   authority is delegated to the Director of Governance and Development (Monitoring Officer) to set dates for member training and briefing sessions and any working groups established by the Council.

o   the Constitution Working Group considers recommending a change to the Council’s Constitution so that meetings of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Audit and that committees should have a maximum duration of three hours.


Voting Record – For 19, Against 9, Abstentions 0, Absent 0,

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