Agenda item
Review of Parking Charges and Season Tickets
The report proposes changes to the charges, charging periods, season ticket allocation and season ticket fees in the District car parks.
That Cabinet considers and approves:
a) aligning charging periods for all car parks owned by the Council to 8am to 6pm on Mondays to Saturdays, removing the ‘free after 3 pm’ concession from six car parks;
b) the removal of the four hour charging period in the Forum car park to encourage the use of the car park for short stay purposes;
c) the proposal to align charges across the District over time;
d) the proposed increases to charges in Church Street and West Street in Tetbury to improve the availability of parking spaces;
e) the proposed increase to charges in Old Market Way in Moreton in Marsh to move towards alignment of car parking charges across the District;
f) the introduction of charges for the large vehicle bays reserved for coaches and minibuses at the Maugersbury Road car park in Stow-on-the-Wold;
g) that car park charges, are increased by 5% (rounded up to nearest 10p), to reflect the impact of inflation since April 2020;
h) implementing a maximum season ticket allocation of 50% in each car park;
i) removal of the Nursery permit;
j) increasing the fee for season tickets as per Annex D, a higher than inflationary increase to reduce the level of subsidy offered for season tickets;
k) reducing the season ticket fee for the Whiteway car park to reflect the fact that it can only be used Monday to Friday rather than Monday to Saturday as in the other Cirencester car parks;
l) introducing three month and six month season tickets in the Whiteway car park in line with all other season tickets.
m) the requirement to invest in the Council's car parks through its Capital Programme to be considered by Cabinet and Council in February 2022.
n) an update the Parking Order to enable enforcement action to be taken for vehicles utilising parking spaces equipped with Electric Vehicle Charging Points in all Council owned car parks; and
o) delegating authority to consider the Parking Order consultation responses to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance.
The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Mike Evemy introduced the report.
Cabinet noted that car parking tariffs would be reviewed by the Council every two years.
The Member question submitted by Councillor Richard Norris was read out by Democratic Services.
Cabinet noted that in order to improve the turnover of vehicles in the Church Street and West Street car parks, users needed to be encouraged to use the free long stay Railyard car park. It was therefore proposed, over time, to align the charges in Tetbury to those in Cirencester and to introduce a 3 hour charge in the West Street car park.
Cabinet further noted that in relation to putting a residential qualification on season tickets, this was currently in place for off-peak season tickets operated in Cirencester, but for any season ticket offered for full-day purposes. The addition of a residential qualification would add additional complexity to the systems used by the Council due to the differing costs between current season tickets and any move to incorporate the residential qualification aspect.
Cabinet noted that the season ticket aspect of the recommendations (if agreed) would result in additional car parking spaces becoming available for use in Cirencester.
Cabinet noted that the ‘Free after 3pm’ scheme was implemented when car parking in Cirencester was limited. Additional parking provision was now available for use.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically how travel, work and leisure habits had changed because of this and the current financial position of the Council (which was very different to when the ‘Free after 3pm’ scheme was implemented) were just two factors resulting in the formulation of the report recommendations:
Cabinet noted this was a difficult decision to take, but acknowledged that revenue generated from car park usage was a significant revenue source for the Council and that the Council could no longer afford to subsidise parking in the District.
Cabinet noted the importance of continuing to support local residents and businesses whilst acknowledging the requirement to ensure that the Council remained financially secure, now and in the future.
Cabinet noted the proposed tariff increases and season tickets as outlined in the report.
Cabinet further noted the proposed revenue increases which were anticipated following the implementation of the revised tariffs.
Cabinet noted the revised version of Annex B which was circulated at the meeting and which reflected minor amendments to the original proposed car parking charges at Annex B.
These amendments related to Maugersbury Road (Stow on the Wold) and Rissington Road (Bourton on the Water) car parks:
· The three-hour charge at the Rissington Road car park would be £4.40
· The five-hour charge at the Rissington Road car park would be £5.80
· The ten-hour charge at the Rissington Road car park would be £8.40
· The five-hour charge at the Maugersby Road car park would be £5.30
Cabinet noted that the Council would continue to invest in their car parks to ensure they remained easily accessible and usable.
Cabinet further noted that the additional revenue collected via the increase in parking tariffs would be used to supplement services across the Council.
Cabinet acknowledged the work being undertaken as part of the Council’s green strategy to reduce pollution by encouraging members of the public to walk, cycle or use public transport wherever possible. This was also relevant given the context of increasing housing developments across the district and the need for new residents being able to easily access amenities (via the provision if improved public transport and walking/cycling routes).
Councillor Mike Evemy proposed that the Cabinet agreed to the recommendations as outlined in the report, with Cabinet noting the minor amendments circulated on a revised version of Annex B.
This was seconded by Councillor Rachel Coxcoon.
RESOLVED that That Cabinet considered and approved:
a) aligning charging periods for all car parks owned by the Council to 8am to 6pm on Mondays to Saturdays, removing the ‘free after 3 pm’ concession from six car parks;
b) the removal of the four hour charging period in the Forum car park to encourage the use of the car park for short stay purposes;
c) the proposal to align charges across the District over time;
d) the proposed increases to charges in Church Street and West Street in Tetbury to improve the availability of parking spaces;
e) the proposed increase to charges in Old Market Way in Moreton in Marsh to move towards alignment of car parking charges across the District;
f) the introduction of charges for the large vehicle bays reserved for coaches and minibuses at the Maugersbury Road car park in Stow-on-the-Wold;
g) that car park charges, are increased by 5% (rounded up to nearest 10p), to reflect the impact of inflation since April 2020;
h) implementing a maximum season ticket allocation of 50% in each car park;
i) removal of the Nursery permit;
j) increasing the fee for season tickets as per Annex D, a higher than inflationary increase to reduce the level of subsidy offered for season tickets;
k) reducing the season ticket fee for the Whiteway car park to reflect the fact that it can only be used Monday to Friday rather than Monday to Saturday as in the other Cirencester car parks;
l) introducing three month and six month season tickets in the Whiteway car park in line with all other season tickets.
m) the requirement to invest in the Council's car parks through its Capital Programme to be considered by Cabinet and Council in February 2022.
n) an update the Parking Order to enable enforcement action to be taken for vehicles utilising parking spaces equipped with Electric Vehicle Charging Points in all Council owned car parks; and
o) delegating authority to consider the Parking Order consultation responses to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance.
Record of Voting – for: 6, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent 2.
Supporting documents:
- Agenda Item 09 - CDC Cabinet Jan 2022 Parking charge review, item 77. PDF 258 KB
- Agenda Item 09 - Annex A Current Parking Charges - USE THIS ONE, item 77. PDF 354 KB
- Agenda Item 09 - Annex B Proposed Parking Charges, item 77. PDF 354 KB
- Agenda Item 09 - Annex C Current Season Ticket Charges (1), item 77. PDF 324 KB
- Agenda Item 09 - Annex D Proposed Season Ticket Charges, item 77. PDF 30 KB