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Agenda item

The Future Use of Cotswold District Council's Offices at Trinity Road, Cirencester


To consider high level options and agree the future use of the Cotswold District Council’s Offices at Trinity Road, Cirencester.



That Cabinet agrees that:

a) Based on the high level option appraisal, the Council reduces its occupation of the Offices and actively markets the estimated 30 - 40% spare space generated for commercial tenants, providing both revenue savings and a revenue return for the Council.


b) A further report setting out capital costs to make changes to building configuration, access, security etc. will be presented to the Cabinet once the final allocation of Council services to specific space within the building is agreed.


c) Funding of up to £13,000 is allocated from the Council Priorities Fund earmarked reserve to fund a feasibility study to assess options for roof repairs or replacement, incorporating options for insulation and reduction in heat loss, and that a further report is brought back to the Cabinet.


d) To support implementation of option 2a, £308,000 of capital funding is included as part of the forthcoming budget setting process to fund works to install solar PV, lighting and smaller measures in the Office buildings which should achieve a reduction in Carbon emissions of approximately 59CO2t per year (20%).


e) A 20% contingency sum is allocated for recommendation (d) £62,000 to allow for equipment or installation costs above estimates or unforeseen works with authority delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to draw on that funding.



Councillor Mike Evemy introduced the report with Cabinet noting that the Covid-19 pandemic had resulted in a new pattern of hybrid working, with less office space now required going forwards.


The report had summarised approximately 11 options for the future use of Trinity Road. Carbon feasibility work had also been undertaken in relation to the options presented in the report.


Cabinet noted the associated costs of works should the Council choose to retain a permanent base at Trinity Road. Some of these options would require a significant outlay which would not be returned for many years (in relation to the carbon and energy efficiency benefits the works would deliver).


Cabinet noted that the recommendations delivered the most cost-effective and practical way of ensuring the Council retained a presence in the building going forwards whilst utilising the remaining space, delivering carbon savings and achieving rental/lease income.


Cabinet noted that staff working in Trinity Road had been consulted on the proposals.


Cabinet recognised that this work represented an opportunity to improve the facilities for staff working from the site.


The impact of the proposed works was not yet known. Work on this would be undertaken if the report’s recommendations were agreed by the Cabinet. The schedule of works and associated likely impacts would be mapped out and shared with staff and Members as soon as it was completed.


Cabinet noted the difficulties in retrofitting older buildings with carbon reducing technology.


Councillor Mike Evemy proposed that Cabinet agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.


This was seconded by Councillor Joe Harris.


RESOLVED that Cabinet agreed that:


a) Based on the high level option appraisal, the Council reduces its occupation of the Offices and actively markets the estimated 30 - 40% spare space generated for commercial tenants, providing both revenue savings and a revenue return for the Council.


b) A further report setting out capital costs to make changes to building configuration, access, security etc. would be presented to the Cabinet once the final allocation of Council services to specific space within the building is agreed.


c) Funding of up to £13,000 is allocated from the Council Priorities Fund earmarked reserve to fund a feasibility study to assess options for roof repairs or replacement, incorporating options for insulation and reduction in heat loss, and that a further report is brought back to the Cabinet.


d) To support implementation of option 2a, £308,000 of capital funding is included as part of the forthcoming budget setting process to fund works to install solar PV, lighting and smaller measures in the Office buildings which should achieve a reduction in Carbon emissions of approximately 59CO2t per year (20%).


e) A 20% contingency sum is allocated for recommendation (d) £62,000 to allow for equipment or installation costs above estimates or unforeseen works with authority delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to draw on that funding.


Record of Voting – for: 7, against: 0, abstention: 0, absent: 1.



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