Agenda item
Application for a new premises licence - Sheaf House Farm Limited, Blockley
To determine a new Premises Licence Application made by Sheaf House Farm Limited for a location in Blockley, Gloucestershire.
That the Licensing Sub-Committee is asked, in light of the representations received, to consider the application and determine whether to:-
· grant the application as requested;
· grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives;
refuse the application in whole or in part where it is necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.
Michelle Bignell, Service Leader, Tel: 01285 623000
The Chair introduced Members of the Panel, the Officers present and asked all parties present to introduce themselves. These were:
Mr Tim Spittle - applicant
Mrs Tanya Spittle – applicant
Mr Paul Ensch – objector
A written objection was received from Blockley Parish Council which was included at Annex C of the document pack.
No representation was received from the Ward Member.
The Service Leader (Licensing and Business Support) introduced the report and drew Member’s attention to the options available to the Sub-Committee in respect of this application.
The Chair invited the applicants to address the meeting.
The Sub-Committee noted that a statement from the applicants was included at Annex D of the document pack.
The Sub-Committee noted that purpose of the applicants applying for an alcohol licence to cover the entirety of the site was so that those people camping at the site could consume alcohol purchased from the on-site shop if they so wished.
The Sub-Committee noted that the applicants would seek to hold launch events going forwards which would not be regular and would be held on a select few dates during each year. The applicants acknowledged that a Temporary Event Notice would need to be applied for and granted on each occasion where a launch or other event was to be held.
The Sub-Committee noted that the applicants had offered to meet with Mr Ensch and other local residents to discuss any concerns they had in relation to events being held at the location. A meeting had not yet taken place.
The Sub-Committee noted that the applicants were undertaking a process of diversifying the function of the farm to help ensure that the business remained financially viable to and to protect its future.
The applicants informed the Sub-Committee that the vodka would not be produced on-site – it would only be sold from the on-site shop and via online sales through the Sheaf House Farm website.
The Chair invited Mr Ensch to address the meeting. Mr Ensch outlined his concerns which were also outlined at Annex C of the document pack.
The Sub-Committee noted the specific aspects of the objections received which related to the correct licensing procedures being applied for and adhered to by the applicants alongside concerns around noise generated from the site and the impact this would have on local residents.
The Sub-Committee noted that the applicants would take responsibility for ensuring that anti-social behaviour did not occur on the site.
The Sub-Committee further noted that the newly-developed vodka would be sold alongside other products within the on-site shop.
The Sub-Committee retired to debate the application.
The meeting was reconvened and it was RESOLVED that the decision taken by the Sub-Committee was:
- The licence was granted in part.
- The licence was limited to retail sales only.
- The boundary would be limited so that alcohol retail sales could only be made from the existing retail shop/café.
- The operating hours for retail alcohol sales would be restricted to match the existing retail shop/café opening hours (as granted by the existing planning permission).
- Temporary events licenses would have to be applied for separately if the business wished to hold any future launch events.
- The above decisions were taken by the Committee to minimise risk.
Record of Voting – for: 3, against: 0, abstentions: 0, absent: 0.
The meeting closed at 11:15am
Supporting documents:
- Agenda Item 4 - Sheaf House Farm, item 16. PDF 71 KB
- Annex A - Application, item 16. PDF 978 KB
- Annex B - Plan of Premises, item 16. PDF 266 KB
- Annex C - Representations, item 16. PDF 866 KB
- Annex D - Statement from Applicant, item 16. PDF 137 KB
- Annex E - Hearing Procedures, item 16. PDF 137 KB