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Agenda item

Schedule of Applications

To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:


Application No


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer / Page No:


Reserved Matters (Phase 1A) pursuant to Outline permission 16/00054/OUT

(mixed use development comprising demolition of existing buildings (as detailed

on the submitted demolition plan) and the erection of up to 2,350 residential dwellings (including up to 100 units of student accommodation and 60 homes for the elderly), 9.1 hectares of employment land (B1, B2 and B8 uses), a primary

school, a neighbourhood centre including A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses as well as

community facilities (including a health care facility D1), public open space, allotments, playing fields, pedestrian and cycle links (access points onto Tetbury Road, Somerford Road and Cranhams Lane) landscaping and associated

supporting infrastructure to include vehicle access points from Tetbury Road,

Spratsgate Lane, Wilkinson Road and Somerford Road) for scale, layout, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 68 dwellings with associated

open space and landscaping at The Steadings Development Phase 1A Chesterton Wilkinson Road Cirencester Gloucestershire.

Councillor Gary Selwyn

Anthony Keown

Page xx


Installation of external wall insulation to No. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 11 Tally Ho Lane, Guiting Power at 2,3,4,6,7,8 & 11

Tally Ho Lane Guiting Power.

Councillor Richard Keeling

David Ditchett

Page xx



Application No


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer / Page No:


Installation of external wall insulation to No. 3 & 5 Pear Tree Close, Lower Swell at No. 3 & 5 Pear Tree Close Lower Swell.

Councillor Dilys Neill

David Ditchett

Page xx


Single storey ancillary accommodation within garden at Haydons Bank

Station Road Chipping Campden.

Councillors Mark Annett  and Gina Blomefield

Andrew Moody

Page xx





The Steadings Development Phase 1A, Chesterton, Wilkinson Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire


The Consultant Planner, Anthony Keown introduced the application:


Reserved Matters (Phase 1A) pursuant to Outline permission 16/00054/OUT

(mixed use development comprising demolition of existing buildings (as detailed

on the submitted demolition plan) and the erection of up to 2,350 residential

dwellings (including up to 100 units of student accommodation and 60 homes for

the elderly), 9.1 hectares of employment land (B1, B2 and B8 uses), a primary

school, a neighbourhood centre including A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses as well as

community facilities (including a health care facility D1), public open space,

allotments, playing fields, pedestrian and cycle links (access points onto Tetbury

Road, Somerford Road and Cranhams Lane) landscaping and associated

supporting infrastructure to include vehicle access points from Tetbury Road,

Spratsgate Lane, Wilkinson Road and Somerford Road) for scale, layout,

appearance and landscaping for the erection of 68 dwellings with associated

open space and landscaping at The Steadings Development Phase 1A

Chesterton Wilkinson Road Cirencester Gloucestershire.


The Committee noted the Update Report which included additional information collated following the previous meeting of the Committee on 8 September 2021.


The Committee further noted the additional information provided by the Consultant Planner which included photographs of the site, views to each side of the site (including the surroundings) and a development of the layout including the design layout which was being submitted for approval.


The Consultant Planner outlined the matters identified in the September resolution which included tree planting, substitution of ancillary buildings, consequential updating of supporting documents, building performance and low carbon heating.


The Committee noted that no objections had been received from the local highways authority.


The Committee noted that the application would not be brought back to a future meeting unless any significant issues arose.


The following people addressed the committee:


Mr Adrian Bloor (Agent), supporting


Councillor Gary Selwyn (Ward Member)


Following a Member question, the Committee noted that the proposed development would have a Community Management Trust. An application process to establish this Trust was underway.


The Committee noted that the highways authority would adopt the road space, any open space would be maintained by the Trust (the ecology management plan would help to manage the components of it). Over time, some of the roles and responsibilities of the Community Management Trust would transition to become the responsibilities of the community.


The Committee noted that in relation to ancillary buildings, it was not always appropriate to include garages with new houses, In order to achieve greater beauty in housing, ancillary buildings could be incorporated to provide space for home working, bike parking, etc.


The Committee further noted that in relation to great crested newts, the ecological survey had not flagged any concerns.


The Committee expressed a view that it would be important to determine the feasibility of including electrical bicycle charging points as part of the development.


The Committee noted that cylce storage provision had been included as part of the proposed development.


With regards to air source heat pumps, the Committee noted that the homes included on the development would be much more efficient due to heat pumps now being incorporated into the development. There was a condition included relating to the installation and housing of the air source heat pumps to mitigate noise pollution. The condition was is in line with the national policy (in regards to low carbon solutions).


The Committee acknowledged that the applicant had adopted a collaborative approach in relation to acknowledging and addressing the points raised by the Committee at the September 2021 meeting.


Councillor Clive Webster proposed that the Committee delegate to Officers authority to approve subject to completion of the consultation period and any necessary finalisation of planning conditions.


This was seconded by Councillor Sue Jepson.


The Officer recommendation was then put to the vote and was carried.


Record of Voting - for: 11, against 0, abstention: 0, absent 0.





2,3,4,6,7,8 & 11, Tally Ho Lane, Guiting Power, Gloucestershire, GL54 5TY


The Case Officer, David Ditchett introduced the application:


Installation of external wall insulation to No. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 11 Tally Ho Lane,

Guiting Power at 2,3,4,6,7,8 & 11, Tally Ho Lane, Guiting Power.


The Committee noted the Update Report including the additional information submitted by Councillor Dilys Neill.


The Committee further noted the site outline (including the block plan). Members were also presented with details of the existing elevations.


The Committee noted that stone slips had now been omitted from the scheme.


Members noted the efficiency improvements which had already been completed (at each individual property).


The Committee noted other options available in relation to energy efficiency improvements and why they had been ruled out for this particular application.


The Committee further noted the proposed materials to be used to complete the proposed works and the additional information available in terms of ongoing care and maintenance of the proposed render systems.


The following people addressed the committee:


Mr Michael Wells, objecting


Councillor Richard Keeling (Ward Member)


The Committee acknowledged that the energy performance rating of social housing was required to be rated at a minimum of C, hence the proposing of these works to assist in the heat retention capabilities of the homes.


The Committee expressed concerns in relation to the proposed cladding, specifically that where it had been installed previously, buildings were unable to breathe adequately which had resulted in excess moisture becoming an issue within some homes. The Committee acknowledged the possibility of damage being caused to the buildings at a future point if the cladding was not breathable.


The Committee noted that although a site visit had not been undertaken to this specific site, Members had viewed a property which had been clad using the proposed materials related to this application.


The Committee were also concerned in relation to the 9cm eaves depth on the properties which would result in sharp and awkward angles. The application of the cladding would have a negative impact on the conservation area.


The Committee expressed a view that other energy efficiency performance improvement measures should be considered such as loft insulation, before cladding was proposed as the solution. Additional and less significant works could be carried out whereupon the energy performance of the buildings could again be measured to ensure that the minimum standards were met.


Councillor Sue Jepson proposed that the application be refused on the grounds that the properties in their current form contribute visually to the conservation area. The style of the proposed cladding would impact negatively on the conservation area. The proposed development was therefore contrary to section 72(1) of the Listed Buildings and Conservation Act and the associated paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


This was seconded by Councillor Julia Judd.


The Officer recommendation was then put to the vote and the application was refused.


Record of Voting - for: 10, against 0, abstention: 1, absent 0.





No. 3 & 5, Pear Tree Close, Lower Swell, Gloucestershire, GL54 1JA


The Case Officer, David Ditchett introduced the application:


Installation of external wall insulation to No. 3 & 5 Pear Tree Close, Lower

Swell at No. 3 & 5, Pear Tree Close, Lower Swell.


The Committee noted the Update Report including the additional information submitted by Councillor Dilys Neill.


The Committee noted the presentation provided which included details of the site location, existing elevations and the views from Pear Tree Close and the surrounding areas.


The following people addressed the committee:


Councillor Jane de St. Croix (Swell Parish Council)


Councillor Andy Lucas, objector (statement read out by Democratic Services)


Mr Peter King, supporter (statement read out by Democratic Services)


Councillor Dilys Neil (Ward Member)


Following advice from the Conservation Officer, the Committee noted that the physical context of the site when compared to the previous application (21/00616/FUL) was different and this should be taken into account.


The Committee noted that the proposed rendering material was the same as in the previous application (21/00616/FUL).


The Committee acknowledged the importance of ensuring that all homes were insulated to at least the minimum prescribed levels as determined by current legislation. Members expressed a view that any rendering of properties should seek to compliment the areas in which they were located and further agreed that other insulation options be considered in order to improve the energy efficiency ratings of properties.


Councillor Sue Jepson proposed that the application be refused on the grounds that the properties in their current form contribute visually to the conservation area. The style of the proposed cladding would impact negatively on the conservation area. The proposed development was therefore contrary to section 72(1) of the Listed Buildings and Conservation Act and the associated paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


This was seconded by Councillor Clive Webster.


The Officer recommendation was then put to the vote and the application was refused.


Record of Voting - for: 9, against 0, abstention: 2, absent 0.





Haydons Bank, Station Road, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6HY


The Case Officer, Andrew Moody introduced the application:


Single storey ancillary accommodation within garden at Haydons Bank

Station Road Chipping Campden.


The Committee noted the Update Report including additional photographs of the site, the site layout and the comments received by Members following the completion of the site inspection visit.


The Committee noted that the site was located outside of the conservation zone.


The Committee expressed a view that the proposed structure was extremely close to the property boundary and existing treeline. Members further commented that the proposed structure would result in the existing plot becoming a cramped space.


The Case Officer acknowledged the comments made by the Committee and informed Members that the application as submitted did not breach any planning regulations.


Whilst acknowledging the views of the Committee in terms of the potential future uses of the proposed annexe, Officers advised Members that a decision could only be taken in relation to the submitted application.


The Committee noted the potential impact on the street scene, the current lack of ancillary accommodation in the area and the physical position of the proposed accommodation in relation to the existing property.


The Committee further noted that the proposed application met the minimum standards in relation to living space.


Councillor Clive Webster proposed that the application be approved as per the Officers recommendation with the planning development rights removed.


This was seconded by Councillor Juliet Layton.


The Officer recommendation (with planning development rights being removed) was then put to the vote and the application was refused.


Record of Voting - for: 7, against: 4, abstention: 0, absent 0.



















Supporting documents: