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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual meeting

Contact: Democratic Services - 01285 Email: 623210/623236/[email protected] 

No. Item


Upgrade of Parking Machines to Support the Roll Out Cashless Parking pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The report seeks the approval of the Cabinet Member for the Economy and Transformation to complete the roll out of cashless parking within the district.


That the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for the Economy and Transformation:

a)    Note the outcome of the trial,

b)    Approve the removal of cash from car parks detailed in paragraph 2.6 of this report,

c)    Approve the software upgrade to all machines to allow off-line payment processing; and,

d)    Approve the use of Capital Funds to fund this project


Reporting officer: Mandy Fathers, Business Manager for Operations and Enabling






Note: Any Member who wishes to comment on an item is requested to send those comments (preferably by e-mail) to the Reporting Officer, copied to Democratic Services, by the deadline identified.


Any comments received will be reported to the Decision Maker prior to the decision(s) being taken.


Notification of Decision of the Cabinet Member for Economy and Council Transformation


Present:  Councillor Tony Dale

Officers:  Mandy Fathers – Business Manager, Environmental, Welfare & Revenue Service, Caleb Harris - Democratic Services


Observers: None


1.       Upgrade of Parking Machines to Support the Roll out Cashless Parking


The meeting started at 16:32 due to an unavoidable delay with a previous meeting involving the Cabinet Member.


The reason for the report was to ask the Cabinet Member to approve the completion of the cashless parking roll-out within the district.


The accountable officer and Democratic Services confirmed that no comments had been received on this item.


The accountable officer introduced the item by providing an overview of the report contents.


It was noted that this was the last phase of the project to convert the other four car parks to cashless payments. It was also allowing to update the payment software to be more efficient in processing payments to those machines not part of the trial.


It was highlighted that there are financial implications of £25,563. The money to be used for this was from the capital budget available for payment machines. It was noted that the financial implications had been approved by Cllr Mike Evemy as the Cabinet Member for Finance and the interim Deputy Chief Executive and S.151 officer Jo Moore.


It was noted that there were improvements to ‘failed card transactions’ as highlighted at paragraph 2.3 of the report.






The Cabinet Member considered the recommendations of the Officer and approved the recommendations a) – d) to complete the roll-out of cashless parking within the car parks highlighted within the report.


Reason for Decision of the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing


The Cabinet Member approved the recommendation as it ratifies the decision made at Cabinet on 4th January 2021 and completes this process.






Mandy Fathers- Business Manager - Environmental, Welfare & Revenue Service, Revenues & Housing Support


Tel: 01285 623571

Email: [email protected]


Date of Publication:                             14 October 2022             

Closing Date for Call-In:                     24 October 2022 (5.00pm)

Action Embargoed until:                    25 October 2022