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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber - Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


The quorum for the Licensing Sub-Committee (Taxis, Private Hire and Street Trading Consent Matters) is three Members.

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The Chair opened the meeting and asked members to introduce themselves.


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Ian Watson, David Fowles and Mark Harris prior to the meeting.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

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Councillor Patrick Coleman substituted for Councillor Mark Harris.


Declarations of Interests

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from members or officers in attendance.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2023.

Additional documents:


The minutes from the meeting held on 29 June 2023 were considered.


Councillor Michael Vann proposed approving the minutes. Julia Judd seconded the proposal. As Councillor Patrick Coleman was not in attendance at the meeting on 29 June 2023 and did not wish to vote, the proposal was carried without requiring a vote.


RESOLVED: To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2023.


Application for a Street Trading Consent pdf icon PDF 280 KB


To consider an application for a Street trading consent made by Frederik Jacobs for The Old Mill, Mill Lane, Lower Slaughter.



That the Licensing Sub-Committee is asked, in light of the representations received, to consider the application and determine whether to:-

      Grant a Street Trading Consent in the terms of the application

      Grant a Street Trading Consent for a temporary period

      Grant a Street Trading Consent with additional conditions

      Refuse the application for a Street Trading Consent

Additional documents:


The Licensing Officer introduced the application.


The purpose of the item was to consider an application for a Street trading consent made by Frederik Jacobs for The Old Mill, Mill Lane, Lower Slaughter.


The Licensing Officer explained that the Applicant had applied for a twelve-month street trading consent to allow them to sell hot and cold beverages, ice cream and packed sandwiches from 10am to 5pm on Fridays, 9am to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays, and 9am to 5pm, seven days a week during the peak season (July to September).


The Licensing Officer also explained that the applicant would be responsible for applying for planning permission if required, but that the Sub-Committee’s remit was only to look at the Licensing application.


The Licensing Officer distributed additional information that the Applicant had submitted, including a route plan of their litter picking operations


The Sub-Committee asked questions of the Licensing Officer, which were responded to as follows;

  1. The site would be on a private piece of land, belonging to the Applicant, and therefore there were no highway concerns.
  2. There were no public order concerns submitted by any of the statutory consultees
  3. If there were any issues arising after the consent was granted these could be reported to ERS, if this related to licensable activity, this would be reviewed if a further consent was to be reopened.


The Applicant and their solicitor were then invited to address the Committee.


The Applicant’s solicitor stated that the horse box would be used to advertise the reopening of the café upon finishing of the renovation works on the mill. They hoped the latter would be a community asset. They also stated that the Applicant would establish a litter picking patrol and would be happy to do so as a condition of the permission.


The Applicant stated that they had purchased the mill as their home and were renovating it with the view to reopening the previous café. They also stated they would avoid smell emissions from the outlet by not preparing any hot foods other than croissants and similar bakery items.


The Sub-Committee asked questions of the Applicant and their solicitor which were answered as follows;

  1. The Parish Council did not explicitly submit a supporting statement as the solicitor had been instructed after the consultation deadline had passed.
  2. The horse box would not be permanent and would be a way of publicising that the mill and its would be reopening after renovation.
  3. Seating was discussed, the Applicant had felt it would be more disruptive to include this but that there would be permanent seating once the café would reopen.


Two objectors Mr Andrew Bowler and Mr Stuart Thomas addressed the Sub-Committee and raised concerns over litter. In particular, one of the objectors mentioned that litter could get dispersed throughout the trail, and that the previous business did not operate takeaway facilities. The objectors also stated that there would be a potential issue with the direction of the queue, but the applicant stated that they could control  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.