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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Online meeting

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Sub-Committee, to serve for the duration of the Meeting.



The Committee Officer invited nominations.

RESOLVED that Councillor Jepson be elected Chair of the Sub-Committee for the duration of the Meeting.

Record of Voting - for 4, against 0, abstentions 1, absent 0.


Councillor Jepson then took the Chair.





Apologies had been received from Councillor Ind.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the meeting.


Councillor Hirst substituted for Councillor Ind.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting.


No declarations of interest were received from Members or Officers.


Application for a Street Trading Consent (STC) - Grass Verge near the Ford on Clapton Row, Bourton-on-the-Water pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider an application for a Street Trading Consent.



That the Sub-Committee considers the application and decides whether to;

a)    Refuse the application for a Street Trading Consent;

b)    Grant a Street Trading Consent for a temporary period;

c)     Grant a Street Trading Consent in respect of the application;

d)    Grant a Street Trading Consent with additional conditions.

Additional documents:


The Applicant, Mr. Allan Hymers, was present for this item


The Sub-Committee was requested to consider an application for a Street Trading Consent from Mr. Hymers who wished to sell ice creams from Monday to Sunday 0900hrs to 1800hrs from April 2021 to September 2021.


A suggested procedure for the consideration of this item had been circulated with the Agenda.  Members and Officers introduced themselves at the start of the meeting.


The Licensing Officer introduced the report and explained that the Applicant had previously held a Street Trading Consent licence and had previously met with herself, the Chair of the Parish Council and Gloucestershire Highways to discuss the application.  The Applicant had also previously agreed to a condition that would be attached to any permission if granted by the Committee that ‘access to the gates must be kept free at all times of customers when trading is taking place’.


The Licensing Officer advised that the owner of the property adjacent to the site had withdrawn their previous consent for the licence, but both Highways Officers and the County Council had raised no objection to the application.  The Committee were also informed that there had been six objections to the application and 23 letters of support received by the Council and confirmed that there had been no response received to the application from environmental health Officers or Gloucestershire Police.


Mr. Hymers was invited to address the Sub-Committee and explained that he lived in Victoria Street, Bourton-on-the-Water, 100 yards away from the application site.  He advised that after being made redundant, he had purchased a tricycle from another local business and had invested funds into his ice cream businesses.  He added that due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, his start of trading had been delayed to July 2020 and was then required to cease again in September 2020.  Mr. Hymers continued that he had previously been asked by the Council’s Officer to move his trading site and he had since agreed this with the Council and the Parish Council.  He explained that his application was seeking permission to trade from 30 May to 30 September annually between the hours of 10.30 am and 5pm, but only on good weather days and that in 2020 his total trading days had been 46. The Committee was also informed that only Cotswold ice cream would be sold in tubs and that the objectors consisted of two residents on Clapton Row, one on Rissington Road and two others were existing ice cream sellers, who traded in the village.  Mr. Hymers concluded that the 23 supporters included nearby residents and businesses and that the application sought the same permission as had existed for previous traders for the past 24 years.


The Ward Member was invited to address the Committee and explained that the application had generated a debate, which would not be able to satisfy all residents.  He added that main concerns of residents related to crowds and noise but that he had no  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.