Venue: the Council Chamber - Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. The quorum for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is 3 members. |
Substitute Members To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2024. |
Matters Arising from Minutes of the Previous Meeting To consider actions outstanding from minutes of previous meetings. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Public Questions A maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for an “open forum” of public questions at committee meetings. No person may ask more than two questions (including supplementary questions) and no more than two such questions may be asked on behalf of one organisation. The maximum length of oral questions or supplementary questions by the public will be two minutes. Questions must relate to the responsibilities of the Committee but questions in this section cannot relate to applications for determination at the meeting.
The response may take the form of:
a) A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes); b) Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or c) Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner. |
Member Questions A maximum period of fifteen minutes is allowed for Member questions. Questions must be directed to the Chair and must relate to the remit of the committee but may not relate to applications for determination at the meeting.
Questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received, except that the Chair may group together similar questions.
The deadline for submitting questions is 5.00pm on the working day before the day of the meeting unless the Chair agrees that the question relates to an urgent matter, in which case the deadline is 9.30am on the day of the meeting.
A member may submit no more than two questions. At the meeting the member may ask a supplementary question arising directly from the original question or the reply. The maximum length of a supplementary question is one minute.
The response to a question or supplementary question may take the form of:
a) A direct oral response (maximum length: 2 minutes); b) Where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication; or c) Where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner. |
Climate and Ecological Emergency PDF 541 KB Purpose For the Committee to receive an update on actions under the Climate Programme.
Recommendation That the Committee notes the actions to-date and the ongoing activity to further embed climate action across all the Council’s activities and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to Cabinet.
Invited Councillor Mike McKeown, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Sustainability Olivia McGregor, Climate Change and Carbon Reduction Lead |
Publica Transition Update Purpose For the Committee to receive a presentation on Phase 1 of the Publica Transition.
Recommendation For the Committee to note the update and agree any recommendations it wishes to submit to Cabinet.
Invited Councillor Joe Harris, Leader of the Council Robert Weaver, Chief Executive Officer Andrew Pollard, Programme Director |
Financial Performance Report 2024-25 Quarter Two and Update Report PDF 974 KB Purpose To consider the second budget monitoring position for the 2024/25 financial year (reported to Cabinet on 5 December) and a separate update report on budget monitoring for planning services.
Recommendation That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 1. Reviews and notes the financial position set out in the report and the recommendations detailed in paragraphs 9.3 to 9.9 and 6.2 as approved by Cabinet at its meeting on 5 December 2024. 2. Notes the update report in respect of Development Management. 3. Agrees any recommendations to submit to Cabinet.
Invited Councillor Mike Evemy, Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation David Stanley – Deputy Chief Executive Officer Additional documents: |
Service Performance Report 2024-25 Quarter Two PDF 586 KB Purpose To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance (reported to Cabinet on 5 December).
Recommendation That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to submit to Cabinet.
Invited Robert Weaver, Chief Executive Officer Alison Borrett, Senior Performance Analyst Additional documents: |
Report back on recommendations There were no recommendations arising from the previous meeting of the Committee. |
Updates from Gloucestershire County Council Scrutiny Committees Purpose To receive any verbal updates on the work of external scrutiny bodies:
Gloucestershire Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee – Cllr Angus Jenkinson Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Cllr Dilys Neill
Work Plan and Forward Plan PDF 523 KB For the Committee to note and review its work plan and to select Cabinet decisions for pre-decision scrutiny at future committee meetings. Additional documents: |