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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services, 


No. Item



Additional documents:


No apologies had been received.


It was noted that verbal confirmation of Councillor Robbins absence had been received prior to the meeting.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no substitute members.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest from members.                  


There were no declarations of interest from officers.                   


Minutes pdf icon PDF 60 KB


To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 24th May 2022

Additional documents:


OS 164 (para 2) “…Olympic Games in Chipping Camden…” should read, “…Olimpick Games in Chipping Campden …”


OS 166 Councillor Blomfield, should read, Councillor Blomefield

The time stamp should read, “The Meeting commenced at 16.00 and closed at 17.52”


RESOLVED: The Committee resolved that, subject to the amendments being included, it was agreed that the minutes were a true and accurate record of the meeting from 24TH May 2022.


Voting Record – For 8, Against 0, Abstentions 1, Absent 1




Chair's Announcements

Additional documents:


There were no Chair’s Announcements.


Public Questions

To deal with questions from the public within the open forum question and answer

session of fifteen minutes in total. Questions from each member of the public

should be no longer than two minutes each and to relate issues under the

Committee’s remit.

Additional documents:


There were no Public Questions.


Member Questions

To deal with written questions by Members, relating to issues under the

Committee’s remit, with the maximum length of oral supplementary questions at

Committee being no longer than one minute. Responses to any supplementary

questions will be dealt with in writing if they cannot be dealt with at the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no Member Questions.


Called-in Decisions

Additional documents:


There were no Called-In Decisions.


Cotswold Water Park Project Update pdf icon PDF 271 KB


To provide an overview of the Cotswold Water Park Project

To provide an update on progress



That the Committee reviews overall progress of the project

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to provide an overview of the Cotswold Water Park Project and an update on progress.


The Chair temporarily adjourned the meeting for five minutes to enable the officer’s presentation to be linked to the display screens.


Following the meeting being resumed, the Business Manager for Localities, Philippa Lowe introduced the Cotswold Water Park Project Overview that provided an update on the work that had been carried out.  


The Committee noted that a strategic multi-agency approach had been taken to encompass the multiple boundaries, and definitions that applied to what was known as ‘The Cotswold Water Park’ (CWP). The largest of these being Natural England’s, ‘National Landscape’ definition, through to smaller individual ‘Sites of Special Scientific Interest’.


The Committee noted that Ecological and Climate Change emergencies had been declared by Councils, and the CWP was considered to be a place that could play a significant part in addressing these issues.


The Committee noted that with the increase number of visitors using the CWP following the easing of the lockdown there had been an increase in the number of incidents of anti-social behaviour and littering.


The Committee noted that there was a focus project on funded projects that could be developed, implemented, and delivered by December 2022, using available resources. Testing and learning as this work progresses would inform current and future priorities and project phases.


The Committee noted the 4 strategic elements of the project were: Nature, Communication and Education, Tackling Wider Issues and Active and Sustainable Travel. A summary of what had been achieved within the first 3 of these elements was provided by the Business Manager, Localities, and the Sustainable Transport Officer, Hannah Fountain provided an overview of the Sustainable and Active Travel element of the project, what had already been delivered and what further work was planned.


The Committee asked how the mandate for the project had been initially put together and whether it had been approved at Committee.  The Business Manager for Localities confirmed that, although the project had not been to Cabinet, the priorities had been agreed at early partnership group meetings, and these had been developed through the Council’s project management processes.


The Committee commented that a number of transport initiatives that could have been included in the project, had been missed (e.g. the canal, the Fairford/Lechlade railway, the Thames Pathway etc). The Business Manager, Localities stated that the scope of the current phase of the project extended to funded projects that could be completed within a defined timescale (December 2022), and further initiatives could be included in future consultations and considered in future phases once funding had been identified and secured.


The Committee noted that the project had been externally funded and not directly funded by Cotswold District Council (CDC), although the Council had enabled the funding to be focussed on priority areas.


The Committee noted that the project had worked in partnership with the Cotswold Lakes Trust and with consideration for their plans and priorities, in order  ...  view the full minutes text for item OS.175


Performance Task and Finish Group Update


To note the verbal update on the work of the Performance Task and Finish Group

Additional documents:


The purpose of this item was to receive a verbal update on the work of the Performance Task and Finish Group.


The Business Manager, Resources Data and Growth, Stuart Rawlinson provided a verbal update on the progress of the Performance Task and Finish Group and confirmed that the group had been established to look at the Council’s key performance indicators to ensure they are fit for purpose. The group had met with Members of the Cabinet in order to understand their priorities and what data and information should be gathered and presented.


The Committee commented that the next agenda item was to consider the Council’s performance for the previous quarter. This information had been captured using the current set of performance measures, and this would be a perfect time to assess whether these measures should be retained, changed or replaced.


RESOLVED:  The Committee noted the work of the Performance Task and Finish Group.




Q4 2021-22 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 361 KB


To provide an update on progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance

To provide information on the Council’s financial position



That the Committee reviews overall progress on the Council priorities, service delivery and financial performance for 2021-22 Q4

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to provide the Committee with progress on the Council’s priorities and service performance, and to provide information on the Council’s financial position.


The Director for Governance introduced the report stating that it provided a list of the corporate priorities and detailed data sets of the Council’s services’ performance against those priorities for the Fourth Quarter from January – March 2022.


The Committee commented that as financial performance of the Finance and the Development Management and Planning department were of particular interest these would be discussed individually after the Committee had discussed performance measures of any other services.


Priorities and Performance


The Committee noted that ‘Electric Blue Charging’ was supporting the Council’s application for partial Government funding for the installation of 20 charging connections (10 EVCPs) across Bourton-on-the-Water, Cirencester and Moreton-in-Marsh. 


The Committee commented that volunteers for Flood Warden had been found from 4 Town and Parish Councils, and enquired how many had been expected to volunteer across the Cotswolds. The Director for Governance stated that the number was not currently available, but would be provided for Members at the next Committee meeting.


The Committee commented that the Town and Parish Forums at Moreton and Cirencester had attracted 29 and 14 participants respectively, and enquired whether more detail could be provided of the numbers of Towns and Parishes represented, the number of participants from each one, and whether this was in line with the number expected. The Director for Governance stated that as Town and Parish Council consultation had not taken place for some time it was not known how popular the new forums would be. The number of parishes attending was not available, but would have been captured and would be provided for Members at the next Committee meeting. Further Town and Parish Forums would be taking place on 5th and 12th July with around 20 attendees already booked into each event.



The Chief Accountant Michelle Burge summarised the Council’s financial performance for 2021-2022 and drew Members attention to some key highlights and invited questions from the Committee.


The Committee noted:

·         The Council was reporting a net annual underspend against budget of £64,384

·         Income from car parking had reduced by 75% (£749,000) against budget (due to the effects of the pandemic), although this was partially offset by a Government grant of £245,225

·         Income from garden waste annual subscriptions had increased by £156,000 above budget and licensing income had increased and was £54,000 above budget

·         Recycling income had also increased and was £252,000 above budget and bulky waste income had also increased to £54,000 above budget.

·         The rental income from the Dyer Street property that had previously been paid to a repair and maintenance reserve, was now being recognised as income into the general fund of £119,000.

·         The Ubico contract that provides the Council’s Environmental Services had delivered an underspend of £401,000, however Ubico’s additional chargeable costs of £555,000 (due to the effects of the pandemic), had led to a net overspend  ...  view the full minutes text for item OS.177


Quarterly Digest


To consider any issues arising out of the Quarterly Digest for future debate and/or

action by the Committee.

Additional documents:


There were no items for the Committee to consider from the Quarterly Digest.


The Chair advised the Committee that the next Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be in July will be looking at the Acute Emergencies Services and the perceived reduction in suitable responses being achieved. 




Work Plan 2022/23 and Executive Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 403 KB


To receive the Work Plan and the Executive Forward Plan and identify any areas for

inclusion in future Overview and Scrutiny meetings.




To amend the Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan as necessary.

Additional documents:


The Chair advised the Committee that a possible amendment to the work plan should be considered, to convene an additional Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting to spread the load of an increasingly full agenda.  The 25th October had been suggested.


The Committee accepted that the additional meeting was required and also suggested the 18th October 2022 as a possible date along with an earlier start to the meeting.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Plan 2022/23 was noted.



The Meeting commenced at 4.00pm and closed at 6.26pm