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Venue: Online via Cisco Webex

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Sub-Committee, to serve for the duration of the Meeting.





Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members under the Code of Conduct for Members.


To receive any declarations of interest from Officers under the Code of Conduct for Officers.



Application for a new Premises Licence - Off The Square, Shop 2, Mascot House, Digbeth Street, Stow-on-the-Wold pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To determine an application for a new Premises Licence.


Officer Recommendation:


That the Sub-Committee is asked, in light of the representations, to consider the application and decides whether to:-

·         grant the application as requested;

·         grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives;

·         refuse the application in whole or in part where it is necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.


Officer Ref: Andrea Thomas (01285 623000)


Additional documents: