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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillors Ray Brassington and Andrew Maclean. 




Additional documents:


Councillor Ian Watson substituted for Cllr Andrew Maclean


Councillor Patrick Coleman substituted for Ray Brassington.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members. To receive any declarations of interest from Officers under the Code of Conduct for Officers.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest by Members or Officers.



Application to Vary a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 102 KB


To determine an application to Vary a Premises Licence made by Jolly Nice Limited at Jolly Nice Café, White Horse Filling Station.



That the Licensing Sub-Committee is asked, in light of the representations received, to consider the application and determine whether to:-

  • grant the application as requested.
  • grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives.
  • refuse the application in whole or in part where it is necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.

Additional documents:


The purpose of the item was to determine an application to vary a Premises Licence made by Jolly Nice Limited at Jolly Nice Café, White Horse Filling Station.


The Chair introduced the item, stating the procedures for the Licensing Sub-committee.


The Licensing Officer then introduced the application. The Licensing Officer stated that the Applicant had confirmed that the variation would only apply to Friday and Saturday night, but otherwise the license would remain the same would remain the same. The licensing officer stated that the amendment wasn’t in the original report.


There were no questions for licensing officer from the Committee.


The Licensing Officer then introduced the applicant, who was Rebecca Wilson, representing Jolly Nice ltd.


·         The Applicant introduced herself and stated that the business which was part of rural diversification which supported local businesses.


·         The Committee asked questions to the applicant it was confirmed the location would remain the same, and thee extended hours would involve a food offer as well as drinks.


Local residents then addressed the committee, speaking in objection to the application, raising the following points;

·         Concerns over light and noise pollution that would result from the extension of the license

·         Concerns over impacts on wildlife, residents and businesses from the light and noise.

·         It was also stated that there were inaccuracies with the map, but the licensing officer stated that this there would be no changes to the location as part of the extension with the license, and that the map was included for reference only.

·         Concerns were also raise over the impact on dark skies and the AONB


The Licensing Officer stated that while these were valid material planning considerations, they did not relate to one of the four licensing objectives which were;

·         the prevention of crime and disorder

·         public safety

·         the prevention of public nuisance and

·         the protection of children from harm.


The Licensing Officer particularly made reference to noise in stating this.


The Chair thanked members of the public for their contributions before adjourning the meeting to allow members to discuss the application and deliberate on their decision.


Members left the room at 3:07pm and the Committee reconvened at 4:13pm


Upon members returning to the room, the Chair stated that the committee had decided to permit the application. The Chair stated that the members of the public had raised valid concerns but that ultimately, the concerns did not relate to licensing considerations.


RESOLVED: To grant the application.