Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor Stephen Hirst and Councillor Steve Trotter
Councillor Mark Harris had given notice that he would be arriving later (11.00am) |
Substitute Members To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephen Andrews was substitute for Councillor Steve Trotter and Councillor Ray Theodoulou was substitute for Councillor Stephen Hirst. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes:
A declaration of interest was received from Councillor Patrick Coleman regarding the Applicant (Newland Homes) of Schedule of Applications item 3. Mr J Drew, a director of Newland Homes was a resident of Councillor Coleman’s Ward,
A declaration of interest was received from Councillor Clive Webster regarding an Objection to a scheduled application by Cotswold National Landscape Board. Councillor Webster was the CDC representative on the Cotswold National Landscape Board. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Wednesday 12th October 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting 12 October 2022 were considered
Minute 134 - Application 22/02119/REM (para 9) “The Committee noted that the application had now been referred to the Committee, as Cotswold District Council had now become involved with the development and scrutiny was now required” should read, “The Committee noted that the application had now been referred to the Committee, as Cotswold District Council had subsequent to the original application’s approval become involved with the development and scrutiny was now required”
RESOLVED: The Committee agreed that, subject to the amendment being made, the Minutes were a correct record of the meeting held on 12 October 2022.
Voting Record – For 7, Against 0, Abstentions 3, Absent 1, |
Chair's Announcements (if any) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair announced that the Licensing training for Members would be postponed due to the officer not being available for some time.
The Chair announced that due to the number of members of the public and other interested parties attending the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting in connection with: Schedule of Applications Item no 04, 21/04342/FUL Melcourt Industries Limited, Boldridge Brake, Crudwell Lane, Long Newton, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8RT would be considered after the Tree Preservation Order item in the meeting. |
Tree Preservation Order 22/00005/IND PDF 111 KB Purpose To consider comments of objection and support to the making of Tree Preservation Order 22/00005/IND in respect of a tree at Waterfront Tea Room, Victoria Street, Bourton on the Water.
Recommendation To confirm TPO22/00005/IND.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 22/00005/IND Consider comments of objection and support to the making of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) in respect of a tree at Waterfront Tea Room, Victoria Street, Bourton on the Water.
The Tree Officer introduced the report and summarised the background and context for the requirement of the TPO, the location of the tree in a Conservation Area at the Waterfront Tea Room, Victoria Street Bourton-on-the-Water along with pictures of the site and the wider area around the affected property.
The following people addressed the Committee: Mr Ken Shepard (written statement read out) – Applicant/Agent
The Committee noted that the tree was around 50 years old and no reports of people being hurt by the uneven paving at the base had been received by CDC, (although other organisations may have received them).
The Committee noted that Gloucestershire Highways had recommended a solution to the ongoing damage to the highway.
The Committee noted that pruning tree roots would slow the growth of a tree but would not halt it.
The Committee noted that the seating area of the Tea Rooms had been adversely affected by the ground being lifted by the tree roots.
The Committee noted that root deflectors were used to divert roots away from paths to less busy area.
Councillor Neill proposed and Councillor Judd seconded that the Tree Preservation Order is confirmed
RESOLVED: The Committee agreed to confirm the Tree Preservation Order TPO22/00005/IND.
Voting Record – For 10, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1, |
Schedule of Applications PDF 66 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: 21/04342/FUL Extension to yard used for the storage of horticultural products at Melcourt Industries Limited Boldridge Brake Crudwell Lane Long Newton Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8RT
The Senior Planning Case Officer introduced the application extend a yard used to store horticultural products, and undertake tree and landscape planting. Locality and site maps and photographs of the proposed development were presented, along with details of both the current road access to the site, and the proposed improvements, including the addition of five passing places.
The following people addressed the Committee: Diane Thomas – Town/Parish Council Jamie Lewis – Objector Susan Hughes – Applicant Nikki Ind – Ward Member
The Committee noted that the site was not located in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) although the boundary of the AONB was a short distance away.
The Committee noted that the majority of objections to the proposed development applied to the impact of additional traffic to and from the site rather than the extension to the yard.
The Committee noted that the current site has unrestricted use and unrestricted movement of HGV and other sized vehicles to and from the site with the potential for the current volumes of traffic to increase. This cannot be retrospectively restricted or removed.
The Committee noted that the number of daily HGV movements captured by villagers and the Town & Parish Council was significantly different to the number captured by the Applicant.
The Committee noted that a representative from Gloucestershire Council Highways had not been available to attend the Committee meeting.
Councillor Webster proposed and Councillor Neil seconded that the decision was DEFFERED pending completion of an all Committee Member site visit to view the surroundings of the site and to see whether the mitigation suggested would work and was in keeping.
RESOVED: The Committee agreed that the decision was DEFERRED pending completion of an all Committee Member site visit.
Voting Record – For 10, Against 0, Abstentions 0, Absent 1,
20/02798/FUL Demolition of single storey lean to, fenestration alterations and landscaping (part retrospective) at Middle Hill Farm Saintbury Broadway Gloucestershire WR12 7PX
The Senior Conservation & Design Officer introduced the report that had been considered by the Planning and Licensing Committee on 12 October 2022 and deferred to this Committee meeting, pending completion of an all Committee Member site visit 30 November 2022. Application details were re-presented seeking planning permission for the demolition of a single storey lean-to, fenestration alterations, internal alterations including new mechanical and electrical works both of which were part-retrospective. The site location, maps, photographs and illustrations were also presented to provide context for the proposed works.
The following people addressed the Committee: Mr John Evetts – Applicant
The Chair invited Committee members that attended the site visit to share their comments.
Members commented that the site visit had been very thorough covering both storeys and inside and outside of the property.
Members thanked the planning officers that accompanied them for their in situ expert comments and advice.
Members commented that high quality restoration ... view the full minutes text for item 143. |
Sites Inspection Briefing Members for 30th November 2022 (if required)
Councillors Ray Brassington, Patrick Coleman, Andrew Maclean, Steve Trotter and Gary Selwyn Additional documents: Minutes: All Members of the Committee were invited to a Site Visit 30 November 2022 |
Licensing Sub-Committee Members for 23rd November (if required)
Councillors Julia Judd, Patrick Coleman, Sue Jepson, Steve Trotter and Clive Webster Additional documents: Minutes: If required, the Next Licensing Sub-Committee would take place 23 November 2022 |