Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Trinity Road. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: There were apologies from Councillor Stephen Trotter. |
Substitute Members To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephen Andrews was substituting for Councillor Stephen Trotter |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13th April 2022 Additional documents: Minutes:
The Committee requested that with immediate effect, in the minutes, the full title of the planning application should be put at the top of each application along with the application number.
The Committee also requested that with immediate effect, in addition to the voting record and decision, a statement confirming whether the decision agreed or disagreed with the officer’s recommendations should be added.
RESOLVED: The Committee agreed that with the inclusion of the two recommendations, the minutes were an accurate record of the Committee held on 13th April 2022.
Voting Record – For 9, Against 0, Abstentions 2, Absent 1
Chair's Announcements (if any) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair stated that a 30 minute training session on Biodiversity will be held immediately before a future Committee meeting. This will take place in the next couple of months and an invitation will be extended to all Members as it is important that everyone has an understanding of this important subject.
Schedule of Applications PDF 64 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: Application 21/03807/FUL - Erection of Four Dwellings and Associated Works at Land at Sandy Lane Court, Upper Rissington, Gloucestershire
The Planning Case Officer, Martin Perks, introduced the application and described the location of the proposed development of 4 one and two bedroomed properties and associated parking provision. The site and relevant planning history was also described.
The following people addressed the Committee: Councillor Sandy Garret (Upper Rissington Parish Council) Jackie Palmer (Objector) Samuel Brooks – Tyack Architects (Agent) Councillor Andrew Maclean (Ward Member)
The Committee noted the location maps of the application, plans and photographs of the site and illustrations of the proposed properties.
The Committee commented on the use of obscured glazing on windows that appear to provide light to living areas and bedrooms of the properties. The Officer stated the obscured glazing windows were secondary windows and both of the rooms served by the windows also had other non-obscured windows.
The Committee commented on the ownership and upkeep responsibility for both the green space that would be reduced within the site and a new green space amenity that was being provided nearby. The Officer stated that the applicant owned part of the land within the site although this had been maintained by existing residents. Responsibility for future maintenance could be conditioned within in the application.
The Committee commented on the proposed properties being built in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) that did not appear to enhance or preserve the special qualities of the area. The Officer stated that the AONB applied to the wider landscape of the area and the proposed development was in a more built up site within the AONB area where development was acceptable
The Committee commented on how access would be guaranteed to the new open green area that is being developed nearby. The Officer stated the new open green area would have public access (covered by 106 agreements) and no further access specific rights would be required.
The Committee commented on the whether the obscured glazed windows would be fixed or opening. The Officer said this was not currently specified, but a condition could be added to the application.
The Committee commented that, as the development would reduce a green space amenity, was the application aligned with the Council’s biodiversity ambitions. The Officer stated the green land that would be lost was mown grass and therefore had little ecological value.
The Committee commented that Thames Water had not responded to the application in connection with the sewerage removal provision. The Officer stated water & waste connections would be a matter for the developer to agree with the water company which had already agreed to other connections nearby and were not able to refuse connection to the water mains supply.
The Committee commented on the local design principles used for the new properties and asked whether ‘local’ applied to the specific site or wider village or district. The Officer stated the design of the new properties had the same scale and size ... view the full minutes text for item 99. |
Sites Inspection Briefing Members for 8 June 2022 (if required): Councillors Ray Brassington, Julia Judd, Sue Jepson, Steve Trotter, Gary Selwyn Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the rota for attendance at the Sites Inspection Briefing on Wednesday 8th June 2022. No site inspections were listed.
Licensing Sub-Committee Members for 1 June 2022 (if required): Councillors Julia Judd, Stephen Hirst, Dilys Neill, Juliet Layton and Clive Webster. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the rota for attendance at the Licensing Sub-Committee on
Members for 1 June 2022 (if required): Councillors Julia Judd, Stephen Hirst, Dilys Neill (or a substitute), Juliet Layton and Clive Webster
The meeting commenced at 10:00am and closed at 12.32pm |