Agenda and minutes
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Substitute Members To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no substitute Members. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members or Officers. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 12 January 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee agreed that the following amendments should be made to the draft minutes of the 12 January 2022 meeting:
Page seven of the minutes, paragraph four: To be deleted.
Page seven of the minutes, paragraph two: To be amended to read ‘The Committee noted that the lead local flood authority (Gloucestershire County Council) and Thames Water had raised no objections in relation to the drainage attributed to the proposed development’.
Page seven of the minutes, paragraph 9: To be amended to read ‘Some Members of the Committee agreed with the highway authority view (Gloucestershire County Council) that the application included ample car parking.
After further investigation of the webcast from the previous meeting, it was confirmed that the Dukes Field application was seconded by Councillor Julia Judd.
The Committee noted that the suggestions proposed by Councillor Clive Webster were proposed in the spirit of clarity and to reflect the debate had at the previous meeting.
The Head of Legal Services confirmed that the proposed amendments were acceptable.
The Committee noted that the voting captured at minute 67 was contrary to the Officer’s recommendations. This would be reflected in the draft minutes.
Subject to the above recommendations being made, the Minutes of the meeting held on the 12 January 2022 were agreed as a true, accurate record.
Record of Voting – for: 10, against: 0, abstention: 1, absent: 0. |
Chair's Announcements (if any) Additional documents: Minutes: There were no announcements made by the Chair. |
Schedule of Applications PDF 64 KB To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:
Additional documents:
Minutes: 21/02440/FUL
Comberow Cottage, Church Road, Icomb, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 1JL
The Planning Case Officer, Amy Hill, introduced the application:
Two storey side extension, alterations to front porch, replacement windows and associated works at Comberow Cottage, Church Road, Icomb, Glos, GL54 1JL.
The Committee noted the location relating to the application, the current view of the site and the proposed style of the proposed works.
The Committee noted the current floor plan and the proposed floor plan following completion of the works.
The Committee further noted the floor plans related to the 2006 planning application and the comparison with the proposed floor plans outlined within this application.
The following people addressed the Committee:
Victoria Campbell (Applicant)
Councillor David Cunningham (Ward Member)
A Panel site visit was undertaken by Members in advance of this meeting.
The Committee noted that Members had been given the opportunity to ascertain where the proposed gable end would be situated if the works took place.
A range of views were expressed by Members, including that the mass of the proposed works would be over-bearing on the neighbouring property.
The Committee noted that the application from 2006 in relation to the same property (application approved but works not completed) would have to be considered alongside the current application, particularly if the Committee was to refuse the current application.
The Committee noted that whilst the 2006 application was relevant, Members should consider the existing application on its own merits and alongside current planning legislation.
Members noted that the requirements of the 2006 Local Plan had not changed significantly when comparisons were made to the current version of the Plan.
In relation to the materials to be used as part of the proposed works, the Committee noted that natural stone would be used.
The Committee noted that in relation to the mains electrical connection to the building, the responsibility for this lay with the electricity company and they would make an appropriate connection as per the permitted development rights.
Given the proximity of the property to the neighbouring home, the Committee agreed that a construction statement should be conditioned to the application.
The Committee noted that if the proposed works were undertaken, sunlight would still reach the neighbouring courtyard (of the neighbouring property). A light survey had been undertaken. Section 12 of the NPF was relevant to the application.
The Committee noted that the hedge around the plot was owned by the owners of Lawn Cottage.
The Committee noted the differing views of Members in relation to the application and the difficulties associated with taking a decision.
Following comments made by Councillor Sue Jepson in relation to a split decision (agreeing the alterations to the front porch and windows but removing the two-storey side extension), the Committee noted that the two-storey extension aspect of the application was most critical to the applicant. It was not therefore considered appropriate to consider a split-decision.
The Committee noted that although the proposed works would increase the size of the existing ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Sites Inspection Briefing Members for Wednesday 2 March 2022 (if required):
Councillors Ray Brassington, Andrew Maclean, Juliet Layton, Steve Trotter and Dilys Neill. Additional documents: Minutes: The Development and Planning Enforcement Manager proposed that an advanced Sites Inspection Briefing (full Committee) visit took place at a site on Gloucester Road, Stratton which would be in relation to the provision of a roadside truck facility. This would take place on Wednesday 2 March.
Members would be provided with hard copies of SIB papers going forwards.
The protocol for SIB visits will be shared with Members in advance of visits taking place.
Licensing Sub-Committees Members for Wednesday 23 February 2022 (if required):
Councillors Julia Judd, Patrick Coleman, Andrew Maclean, Sue Jepson and Juliet Layton. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the rota for attendance at the Licensing Sub-Committee on Wednesday 23 February 2022 (if the meeting was required).
The meeting commenced at 2:00pm and closed at 4:00pm |