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Agenda and minutes

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item



Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence.


Substitute Members

To note details of any substitution arrangements in place for the Meeting.

Additional documents:


There were none.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members and Officers, relating to

items to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Minute Number 21 – Schedule of Applications


Having taken advice from the Monitoring Officer, Councillor Brassington declared a pecuniary interest in application 21/01309/FUL – Telecommunications Mast, Salperton, Hazleton, Gloucestershire because he was a shareholder of British Telecom, the parent company of the applicant, EE Ltd.  He left the room whilst the item was discussed.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7 July 2021

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2021 were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the grammatical amendments below:


a)    The fourth paragraph on page 7 of the minutes should read ‘Gloucestershire County Council’; and

b)    The fourth paragraph on page 8 should be omitted as the Chairman had no recollection of this suggestion.


Chair's Announcements (if any)

Additional documents:


There were none.


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To consider and determine the applications contained within the enclosed schedule:


Application No


Ward Councillor(s)

Case Officer / Page No:


Redevelopment of existing barn and surrounding yard to create 3 no. dwellings within the current envelope, with associated parking structures and landscaping at Church

Farm Buildings Nether Westcote Chipping Norton Gloucestershire OX7 6SD

Councillor David Cunningham

Amy Hill

Page xx


Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of permission 18/00190/FUL

(Installation of dormer windows, increase in size of existing windows to rear, and alterations to existing balcony) at Rowan Gate Maugersbury Cheltenham


Councillor Dilys Neill

Ed Leeson


Page xx


Installation of 30m communications mast, antennas and associated development for

the emergency services at Telecommunications Mast Salperton Hazleton


Councillor Robin Hughes

David Ditchett


Page xx


Additional documents:




Church Farm Buildings, Nether Westcote, Chipping Norton, Gloucestershire


The Case Officer introduced the report for the redevelopment of the existing barn and surrounding yard to create three dwellings within the current envelope, with associated parking structures and landscaping.


The Case Officer outlined her report which contained a recommendation of approval, subject to conditions and informatives.  She also signposted members to the information contained in the Additional Pages which included a technical note on sustainability from the agent and two additional letters of objection.


The following people addressed the meeting:


Dinah Nicholson, on behalf of the Westcote Parish meeting;

Ian du Pre, objecting

Nigel Bennett, agent on behalf of the applicant.


The Ward Member, Councillor David Cunningham, who did not serve on the Committee, was then invited to address the Committee.


In response to various questions officers clarified; the details relating to the previous permission; explained that the principle of development had been established and the highways formula used to determine trip generation.  Members raised concerns about the impact of the development on the ‘dark skies’ area and were disappointed that there was no reference to Paragraph 14 of the NPPF relating to Climate Change.  Officers reiterated that the Planning Policy was being worked on.  Policy DS3 was discussed in detail and clarity was given on the conditions relating to the landscape plan, external lighting and permitted development rights.


A Proposition, that the application be approved with an additional condition relating to sustainability / energy measures, was duly Seconded.


The Ward Member was invited to address the Committee again and confirmed that he was satisfied with an additional condition relating to sustainability design features.


Approved, as recommended.


Record of Voting - for 6, against 4, abstention 1, absent 0.





Rowan Gate, Maugersbury, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


The Case Officer introduced the report for the variation of Condition 2 of permission 18/00190/FUL, installation of dormer windows, increase in size of existing windows to rear and alterations to the existing balcony.


The Case Officer outlined his report which contained a recommendation of approval, subject to conditions and an informative.


The following people addressed the meeting:


Mark Lutman, on behalf of Maugersbury Parish Council, objecting;

Ross Boyens, objecting.


The Ward Member, Councillor Neill, was then invited to address the Committee and expressed a strenuous objection on the grounds that the alterations did not accord with the Cotswold Design code, were out of keeping with the area and felt the size of the dormers was unacceptable. 


In response to various questions officers clarified; the difference in size from the plans approved appeared to be as a result of miscommunication between the applicant and the architect; officers felt this was an on balance decision; the increase in size was over 59% greater and there was an enforcement case with this application seeking to regularise the permission.


Members raised concerns that the dormers were overpowering, had a subservient impact on the house and were out of keeping with the character of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Sites Inspection Briefing

Additional documents:


There was no update for members on Site Inspection Briefing.


Licensing Sub-Committees

Members for Wednesday 25 August 2021 (if required):


Councillors Julia Judd, Patrick Coleman, Sue Jepson, Juliet Layton and Clive Webster.

Additional documents:


The Committee Services Officer advised that a panel was required for Thursday 26 August 2021 and could be held virtually.


Councillors Judd, Hirst and Webster confirmed they could attend the meeting at 10.00am and officers agreed to send invitations out accordingly.